Corporation Revitalization Plan

Discussion in 'Corporations Archive' started by nababoo, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    nababoo likes this.
  2. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    I prefer snow caps.

    Edit to avoid a double post: I don't think some users even know about the corporations section. Any post here is only shown for a few seconds before it's overshadowed by something from BBTS or the Space Pirates.
    nababoo and LazerEagle1 like this.
  3. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    Hopefully both this thread and the other one'll get us the revival we all crave.
    LazerEagle1 and nababoo like this.
  4. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    Hrm, what about a stock market stickied thread? A hub for all publicly traded companies...
    Cloudhopper and nababoo like this.
  5. I'm not too sure whether there's any software that could accommodate that, and I could certainly see the madness that might occur with daily updates and all that.

    How about an alternative thread, befitting of the "Corporation" status -- essentially an advertising page, with the corporations making up whatever garbage they can to sneak some potential customers in. Or perhaps one where they all just shout at each other. That'd be good, too.
  6. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    lol, and that would be less chaotic? No, I'm thinking of a stock ticker that people can update news on their corp every week, and a quarter is done every month, where the stock price can go up or down each quarter... to reduce the needed upkeep of the main post. It would work as a main news feed too, just with numbers dictating who's on top :iswydt:
    nababoo likes this.
  7. That's quite an interesting idea, certainly. Perhaps keep track of alliances as well:
    Brokers of Lives: +10.58
    We Sell Corporations: -8000.13
    Planetary Alliance ESO: +0.03
    If it were to get competitive, though, some safeguards would be nice to have in place. Sanctions, perhaps?
  8. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    Yeah, Kind of an EU thing, perhaps.
    A partner listing would be good too, yeah!

    And obviously wars and subterfuge would have negative effects as well.
    nababoo likes this.
  9. Hehe, the finer nuances of roleplaying making their way in here. get away merc

    And by the way, do you know any other corpoation forumites? I want to bother them until they come back.
  10. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    LOL, yes :)

    I don't really know most of them outside of these forums... sorry. But if we can get the corps into a different subform, maybe a RolePlay subforum?
  11. We should just keep this independent.
  12. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    Ah, agreed. So just a stickied thread with the stock tickers, current time (Quarter and week #'s), alliances and news feed. Sounds fun!
    nababoo likes this.
  13. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    Bump... Not that I'll do anything. Damn BBTS...
    nababoo and Headphoner like this.
  14. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    BBTS? What you talkin' bout?
  15. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    Bronies Beyond the Stars. It's always either them, the space pirates, or Infinity: Renascentis that's at the front page of the social section.
  16. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    I've been on this subforum for ages, but now I've gotten fairly bored. Good luck to to you guys, I'll probably visit this place again, if anyone wants to join me.
    nababoo likes this.
  17. We still require more corporations for things to be *spiced up*. I may roll out an event to add to the allure of corporation-ing, but otherwise we'll just have to steadily build up.

    And don't forget, you guys can do some revolutionary thing if you ever figure out. I'm not the dictator of this place. Yet.
  18. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    Thinking... Thinking...
    nababoo likes this.
  19. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    This is a double post, but I don't care. I think that the way we really need to get people back here is to have something more than just business happen. The UTL got popular fast because it featured book dungeons, which were a bit more than the usual products and transactions that most of the corporations ran on. We're going to need some more interactive and exciting events than a stock market to keep things going around here.
    Josephdud66 likes this.

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