Hello, and welcome to the new corrupt a wish game thread! The rules of the game are simple, you corrupt the wish of the person who last posted, and then make your own wish No wishing for the same thing twice, and no wishing for things that can't be corrupted. - I'll start this off. I wish I had a cardboard box. And credit for this thread goes to unownplyr because he came up with the original thread idea
Suddenly a "Diamond Dog" appeares and ogles your Box. (Damm it played to much mgs5 ) I wish I had Pizza right now
Granted, but it's a strictly vegan pizza, so no meat or cheese... or bread; cause there might've been egg in there. I wish for a nice hat.
Wish fulfilled, but your computer is alive and watches your everrrryyyyy move. I wish that the missing threads would return again. (on a serious note, I actually don't mind the threads going missing)
Wish granted, the threads come back but nothing that was posted in them won't. (on a very utterly completely serious note, your indifference makes me cry blood) I wish for the ability to foretell what happens in the future.
Granted, but your knowledge of future events makes you go insane. I wish I knew how to talk to people, without sounding like an idiot
Granted, but now you do it anyways, on accident, and realize your slowly turning into a Wilfreyson. I wish Skyrim would lag less.
Granted, Skyrim no longer lags at all, but you can no longer play the game at all, you can now only watch other people play it with no problems. I wish I had a new keyboard.
Snake's final smash turns him into heughie (Can't remember how to spell it) I wish I was Wilson in real life.
You are now the Wilson Sporting Goods Company, an American sports equipment manufacturer based in Chicago, Illinois. I wish for cool leg for tem
Granted, everyone knows you as that guy, you know who im talking about, that guy. I wish i was omnipotent.
Granted! You dominate the world, but are quickly overthrown by me! I wish Harry Potter had more books to read in the series.
(Damn you and my uncertain wording!) Granted, and I break it out of revenge! I wish someone else would be faster than me at replying to things.