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Closed "Could not create directory" error

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by rmcmurph, Dec 19, 2014.

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  1. rmcmurph

    rmcmurph Space Spelunker

    whenever i launch the .exe i get this error
    and then this
    fail2.png [DOUBLEPOST=1419024948][/DOUBLEPOST]starbound.log:

    1. Info: Preparing Star::Root...
      Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
      Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
      Info: Client version 'Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 6' Protocol: 642
      Info: Running from : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\starbound_opengl.exe
      Info: Starting from the title screen
      Info: Initialized SDL
      Info: Initialized SDL Video
      Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
      Info: Initialized SDL Sound
      Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
      Info: Loading Star::Root...
      Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
      Info: Initializing SDL Window
      Info: OpenGL version: '4.4.0' vender: 'NVIDIA Corporation' renderer: 'GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2' shader: '4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler'
      Info: Created initial window 1298x951
      Info: Initializing SDL Window
      Info: OpenGL version: '4.4.0' vender: 'NVIDIA Corporation' renderer: 'GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2' shader: '4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler'
      Info: Re-created window 1920x1018
      Error: Error loading object file /objects/farmables/biomespecific/algaeseed.object: VariantException: No such key in Variant::get("objectName")
      00848F5C starbound_opengl.exe
      00A96B13 starbound_opengl.exe
      0084906B starbound_opengl.exe
      006106C4 starbound_opengl.exe
      005013E1 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404B3C starbound_opengl.exe
      009A3FCC starbound_opengl.exe

      Error: Error loading object file /objects/tables/table1.object: StarException: Object table1 defined twice, second time from /objects/tables/table1.object
      0061082F starbound_opengl.exe
      005013E1 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404B3C starbound_opengl.exe
      009A3FCC starbound_opengl.exe

      Error: Error loading object file /objects/tables/table2.object: StarException: Object table2 defined twice, second time from /objects/tables/table2.object
      0061082F starbound_opengl.exe
      005013E1 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404B3C starbound_opengl.exe
      009A3FCC starbound_opengl.exe

      Error: Error loading object file /objects/tables/table3.object: StarException: Object table3 defined twice, second time from /objects/tables/table3.object
      0061082F starbound_opengl.exe
      005013E1 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404B3C starbound_opengl.exe
      009A3FCC starbound_opengl.exe

      Error: Error loading object file /objects/tables/table4.object: StarException: Object table4 defined twice, second time from /objects/tables/table4.object
      0061082F starbound_opengl.exe
      005013E1 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404B3C starbound_opengl.exe
      009A3FCC starbound_opengl.exe

      Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for quarry_holder, using default
      Error: Could not instantiate item '[tiles, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'tiles'
      005A2D9A starbound_opengl.exe
      005A39B8 starbound_opengl.exe
      005A4D40 starbound_opengl.exe
      005D42BD starbound_opengl.exe
      005D4614 starbound_opengl.exe
      005D4A5B starbound_opengl.exe
      005013E9 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404B3C starbound_opengl.exe
      009A3FCC starbound_opengl.exe

      Error: Could not instantiate item '[tiles, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'tiles'
      005A2D9A starbound_opengl.exe
      005A39B8 starbound_opengl.exe
      005A4D40 starbound_opengl.exe
      005A52F7 starbound_opengl.exe
      005D4AE6 starbound_opengl.exe
      005013E9 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404B3C starbound_opengl.exe
      009A3FCC starbound_opengl.exe

      Error: Could not instantiate item '[tiles, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'tiles'
      005A2D9A starbound_opengl.exe
      005A39B8 starbound_opengl.exe
      005A4D40 starbound_opengl.exe
      005A5A2F starbound_opengl.exe
      005D4AE6 starbound_opengl.exe
      005013E9 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404B3C starbound_opengl.exe
      009A3FCC starbound_opengl.exe

      Info: Done loading Star::Root.
      Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '..\starbound.config'
      Error: Error loading player file, ignoring! ..\player\6d65a0019abd78e7df509465b212f695.player : IOException: Wrong magic bytes at start of versioned json file, expected 'SBVJ01'
      00664EEE starbound_opengl.exe
      0054EB67 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404ED5 starbound_opengl.exe
      00406D17 starbound_opengl.exe
      0040A564 starbound_opengl.exe
      004081F4 starbound_opengl.exe
      004ED901 starbound_opengl.exe

      Error: Error loading player file, ignoring! ..\player\ba571aeb917b8898de44fb982619ec63.player : IOException: Wrong magic bytes at start of versioned json file, expected 'SBVJ01'
      00664EEE starbound_opengl.exe
      0054EB67 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404ED5 starbound_opengl.exe
      00406D17 starbound_opengl.exe
      0040A564 starbound_opengl.exe
      004081F4 starbound_opengl.exe
      004ED901 starbound_opengl.exe

      Error: Error loading player file, ignoring! ..\player\e4d50ea775903cf6b3e15cb06c56c930.player : IOException: Wrong magic bytes at start of versioned json file, expected 'SBVJ01'
      00664EEE starbound_opengl.exe
      0054EB67 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404ED5 starbound_opengl.exe
      00406D17 starbound_opengl.exe
      0040A564 starbound_opengl.exe
      004081F4 starbound_opengl.exe
      004ED901 starbound_opengl.exe

      Error: Error loading player file, ignoring! ..\player\ead4d471a7930c383ebafd32f6fa8d45.player : IOException: Wrong magic bytes at start of versioned json file, expected 'SBVJ01'
      00664EEE starbound_opengl.exe
      0054EB67 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404ED5 starbound_opengl.exe
      00406D17 starbound_opengl.exe
      0040A564 starbound_opengl.exe
      004081F4 starbound_opengl.exe
      004ED901 starbound_opengl.exe

      Info: UniverseClient: Sending Handshake Repsonse
      Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
      Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
      Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
      Info: closing [ipv4] (1312)
      Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Socket closed
      Info: Acquiring universe lock file
      Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ..\universe\universe.chunks
      Warn: Recovery finished
      Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ..\universe\playerQuests.db
      Warn: Recovery finished
      Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ..\universe\playerCodex.db
      Warn: Recovery finished
      Info: UniverseServer: Creating world alpha:-37192867:-18583313:-18037586:2
      Info: Generating 2 dungeons
      Info: Generating a dungeon
      Info: Placing dungeon at (14993, 3051)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting3 direction: 0 position: (15155, 3063)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting5 direction: 0 position: (14730, 3074)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting2 direction: 0 position: (14742, 3074)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting2 direction: 0 position: (14774, 3074)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting5 direction: 0 position: (15315, 3074)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting2 direction: 0 position: (15327, 3074)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting2 direction: 0 position: (15359, 3074)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting3 direction: 0 position: (14959, 3090)
      Info: Generating a dungeon
      Info: Placing dungeon at (12920, 3042)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting3 direction: 0 position: (13082, 3054)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting5 direction: 0 position: (12657, 3065)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting2 direction: 0 position: (12669, 3065)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting2 direction: 0 position: (12701, 3065)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting5 direction: 0 position: (13242, 3065)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting2 direction: 0 position: (13254, 3065)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting2 direction: 0 position: (13286, 3065)
      Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apexpainting3 direction: 0 position: (12886, 3081)
      Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::createWorld millis: 4959
      Info: UniverseServer: client connection made from local
      Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
      Info: UniverseClient: Sending Handshake Repsonse
      Info: UniverseServer: Loading ship world received from client <User: ATLien>
      Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: <unnamed temp file>
      Warn: Recovery finished
      Info: UniverseServer: Client 'ATLien' <1> (Fifo <0x32a7a860>) connected
      Info: UniverseServer: Loading world db for world gamma:57843617:26704894:-5868115:8
      Warn: Perf: ClientApplication::update millis: 6094
      Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update millis: 6094
      Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop millis: 6175
      Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
      Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
      Info: UniverseServer: Loading world db for world alpha:57844304:26705104:-6601148:3
      Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ..\universe\alpha_57844304_26705104_-6601148_3.world
      Warn: Recovery finished
      Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
      Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down world alpha:-37192867:-18583313:-18037586:2 due to inactivity
      Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
      Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
      Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down ship world for client 'ATLien' <1> (Fifo <0x32a7a860>)
      Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
      Info: UniverseServer: Client 'ATLien' <1> (Fifo <0x32a7a860>) disconnected
      Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
      Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
      Info: UniverseClient: Sending Handshake Repsonse
      Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
      Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
      Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
      Info: closing [ipv4] (872)
      Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Socket closed
      Info: Application quitting!
      Info: [ [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 9495, "Sum(ms)", 175704, "Avg", 18, "SAvg", 15, "Min", 15, "Max", 6175, "Last", 15, "Var(avg,us)", 3504.37, "VMax(ms)", 6160, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::render", "Cnt#: ", 9498, "Sum(ms)", 82621, "Avg", 8, "SAvg", 4, "Min", 0, "Max", 505, "Last", 9, "Var(avg,us)", 6689.83, "VMax(ms)", 505, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.render", "Cnt#: ", 9498, "Sum(ms)", 82609, "Avg", 8, "SAvg", 4, "Min", 0, "Max", 505, "Last", 9, "Var(avg,us)", 6688.57, "VMax(ms)", 505, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::run.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 4769, "Sum(ms)", 75085, "Avg", 15, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 47, "Last", 14, "Var(avg,us)", 13894.5, "VMax(ms)", 40, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 59803, "Sum(ms)", 66445, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 12, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 111.065, "VMax(ms)", 11, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.postSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 58694, "Sum(ms)", 59370, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 8, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 11.5174, "VMax(ms)", 7, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update", "Cnt#: ", 6104, "Sum(ms)", 36616, "Avg", 5, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 873, "Last", 4, "Var(avg,us)", 6283.75, "VMax(ms)", 863, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.worldUpdate", "Cnt#: ", 6102, "Sum(ms)", 36485, "Avg", 5, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 873, "Last", 4, "Var(avg,us)", 6278.76, "VMax(ms)", 863, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::run.innerloop", "Cnt#: ", 349, "Sum(ms)", 36009, "Avg", 103, "SAvg", 100, "Min", 100, "Max", 1120, "Last", 100, "Var(avg,us)", 3194.84, "VMax(ms)", 1020, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServer::update", "Cnt#: ", 6089, "Sum(ms)", 35605, "Avg", 5, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 142, "Last", 4, "Var(avg,us)", 6143.87, "VMax(ms)", 142, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 9660, "Sum(ms)", 20003, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 6094, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1911.49, "VMax(ms)", 6094, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::update", "Cnt#: ", 9658, "Sum(ms)", 19992, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 6094, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1911.06, "VMax(ms)", 6094, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::render", "Cnt#: ", 4339, "Sum(ms)", 15421, "Avg", 3, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 369, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 2631.48, "VMax(ms)", 368, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldStorage::update", "Cnt#: ", 1521, "Sum(ms)", 12390, "Avg", 8, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 113, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 8145.96, "VMax(ms)", 113, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadImage", "Cnt#: ", 19961, "Sum(ms)", 11547, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 213, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 577.626, "VMax(ms)", 213, "Parent", "" ], [ "Npc::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 140327, "Sum(ms)", 11425, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 31, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 81.417, "VMax(ms)", 31, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadVariant", "Cnt#: ", 54468, "Sum(ms)", 11328, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 63, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 207.939, "VMax(ms)", 63, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateRunning", "Cnt#: ", 4457, "Sum(ms)", 11145, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 112, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 2733.45, "VMax(ms)", 112, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::updateLighting", "Cnt#: ", 4330, "Sum(ms)", 11026, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 7, "Last", 3, "Var(avg,us)", 1546.42, "VMax(ms)", 6, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::prepareTiles", "Cnt#: ", 331, "Sum(ms)", 10921, "Avg", 32, "SAvg", 23, "Min", 22, "Max", 61, "Last", 47, "Var(avg,us)", 8987.92, "VMax(ms)", 37, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseClient::update", "Cnt#: ", 4451, "Sum(ms)", 9411, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 111, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 2342.84, "VMax(ms)", 111, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::update", "Cnt#: ", 4450, "Sum(ms)", 8185, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 62, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 1884.49, "VMax(ms)", 62, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.preSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 1131, "Sum(ms)", 7097, "Avg", 6, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 12, "Last", 5, "Var(avg,us)", 3374.89, "VMax(ms)", 10, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBaseImage", "Cnt#: ", 16526, "Sum(ms)", 6780, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 48, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 409.234, "VMax(ms)", 48, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::createWorld", "Cnt#: ", 4, "Sum(ms)", 5422, "Avg", 1355, "SAvg", 4901, "Min", 0, "Max", 4959, "Last", 225, "Var(avg,us)", 3.589e+006, "VMax(ms)", 4940, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsSwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 9496, "Sum(ms)", 5332, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 56, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 561.5, "VMax(ms)", 56, "Parent", "" ], [ "Object::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 1.00134e+006, "Sum(ms)", 3996, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 19, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3.99066, "VMax(ms)", 19, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::prepareSector", "Cnt#: ", 93, "Sum(ms)", 2215, "Avg", 23, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 70, "Last", 36, "Var(avg,us)", 24086, "VMax(ms)", 70, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::renderParticles", "Cnt#: ", 13013, "Sum(ms)", 1822, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 11, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 140.014, "VMax(ms)", 11, "Parent", "" ], [ "Monster::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 14748, "Sum(ms)", 1643, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 111.405, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 4454, "Sum(ms)", 1584, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 4, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 356.084, "VMax(ms)", 4, "Parent", "" ], [ "MainInterface::update", "Cnt#: ", 4459, "Sum(ms)", 1315, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 294.909, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "Object::tickClient", "Cnt#: ", 195694, "Sum(ms)", 1217, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 6.21889, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "DungeonGenerator::generate", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 1100, "Avg", 550, "SAvg", 598, "Min", 501, "Max", 599, "Last", 501, "Var(avg,us)", 49000, "VMax(ms)", 98, "Parent", "" ], [ "DungeonDefinition::buildDungeon", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 1095, "Avg", 547, "SAvg", 596, "Min", 498, "Max", 597, "Last", 498, "Var(avg,us)", 49500, "VMax(ms)", 99, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::shutdownInactiveWorlds", "Cnt#: ", 362, "Sum(ms)", 1038, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1020, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2883.98, "VMax(ms)", 1020, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::sync", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 935, "Avg", 935, "SAvg", 935, "Min", 935, "Max", 935, "Last", 935, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadAudio", "Cnt#: ", 153, "Sum(ms)", 868, "Avg", 5, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 37, "Last", 35, "Var(avg,us)", 5666.67, "VMax(ms)", 37, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_PollEvent", "Cnt#: ", 9663, "Sum(ms)", 708, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 88, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 77.9261, "VMax(ms)", 88, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadFont", "Cnt#: ", 4, "Sum(ms)", 621, "Avg", 155, "SAvg", 487, "Min", 42, "Max", 493, "Last", 42, "Var(avg,us)", 336250, "VMax(ms)", 451, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::renderNametags", "Cnt#: ", 4335, "Sum(ms)", 536, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 25, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 123.645, "VMax(ms)", 25, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.renderPost", "Cnt#: ", 9496, "Sum(ms)", 453, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 22, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 48.1255, "VMax(ms)", 22, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::updateLighting", "Cnt#: ", 4346, "Sum(ms)", 453, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 104.004, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Monster::tickSlave", "Cnt#: ", 8148, "Sum(ms)", 400, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 49.0918, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleConnection", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 395, "Avg", 395, "SAvg", 395, "Min", 395, "Max", 395, "Last", 395, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::processInput", "Cnt#: ", 2974, "Sum(ms)", 380, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 88, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 127.774, "VMax(ms)", 88, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderInit", "Cnt#: ", 9, "Sum(ms)", 260, "Avg", 28, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 99, "Last", 5, "Var(avg,us)", 28888.9, "VMax(ms)", 99, "Parent", "" ], [ "Spawner::update", "Cnt#: ", 6075, "Sum(ms)", 253, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 49, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 41.6461, "VMax(ms)", 49, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::readFullWorld", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 250, "Avg", 125, "SAvg", 105, "Min", 105, "Max", 145, "Last", 145, "Var(avg,us)", 20000, "VMax(ms)", 40, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::generateMicroDungeons", "Cnt#: ", 54, "Sum(ms)", 195, "Avg", 3, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 26, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 3611.11, "VMax(ms)", 26, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateTitle", "Cnt#: ", 4212, "Sum(ms)", 178, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 39, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 208.689, "VMax(ms)", 39, "Parent", "" ], [ "Audio::parseWav", "Cnt#: ", 124, "Sum(ms)", 128, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 5, "Last", 4, "Var(avg,us)", 1032.26, "VMax(ms)", 5, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.clientsIncomingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 5937, "Sum(ms)", 119, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 34, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 20.0438, "VMax(ms)", 34, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::queueUpdatePackets", "Cnt#: ", 4448, "Sum(ms)", 81, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 18.2104, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::updateLighting.setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 4342, "Sum(ms)", 55, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 12.667, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Renderer::setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 4339, "Sum(ms)", 46, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 10.6015, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "LivingWorldAgent::update", "Cnt#: ", 1524, "Sum(ms)", 41, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 5, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 33.4646, "VMax(ms)", 5, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::addClient", "Cnt#: ", 5, "Sum(ms)", 41, "Avg", 8, "SAvg", 11, "Min", 2, "Max", 15, "Last", 11, "Var(avg,us)", 5600, "VMax(ms)", 12, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::render", "Cnt#: ", 9494, "Sum(ms)", 38, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 22, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 7.7944, "VMax(ms)", 22, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.clientsOutgoingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 6096, "Sum(ms)", 37, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 14, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 6.06955, "VMax(ms)", 14, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsFinish", "Cnt#: ", 9496, "Sum(ms)", 25, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2.63269, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::postProcessAudio", "Cnt#: ", 35, "Sum(ms)", 20, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 3, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 571.429, "VMax(ms)", 3, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::tickSlave", "Cnt#: ", 2176, "Sum(ms)", 18, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 8.27206, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsClear", "Cnt#: ", 9497, "Sum(ms)", 12, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1.26356, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Projectile::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 1189, "Sum(ms)", 11, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 9.25147, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnection.handshake.waitforresponse", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 10, "Min", 10, "Max", 10, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnection.handshake", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 10, "Min", 10, "Max", 10, "Last", 10, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::removeClient", "Cnt#: ", 5, "Sum(ms)", 9, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 3, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 600, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBytes", "Cnt#: ", 82, "Sum(ms)", 5, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 60.9756, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "ChatBubbleManager::update", "Cnt#: ", 4461, "Sum(ms)", 3, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.672495, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderDestroy", "Cnt#: ", 9, "Sum(ms)", 2, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 222.222, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "ItemDrop::tickSlave", "Cnt#: ", 504, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1.98413, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendContextUpdates", "Cnt#: ", 366, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2.73224, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::doTriggeredStorage", "Cnt#: ", 362, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2.76243, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::convertBiomeMetaMaterials", "Cnt#: ", 93, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 10.7527, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Npc::tickSlave", "Cnt#: ", 19, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 52.6316, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::update", "Cnt#: ", 14122, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsStart", "Cnt#: ", 9499, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ChatBubbleManager::render", "Cnt#: ", 4348, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateSplash", "Cnt#: ", 989, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::clients", "Cnt#: ", 745, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ItemDrop::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 527, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendClockUpdates", "Cnt#: ", 363, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendPendingChat", "Cnt#: ", 362, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::updatePvpTeams", "Cnt#: ", 362, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::dirtyCollisionCache", "Cnt#: ", 93, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::getImage", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::process", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Object::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::renderPerf", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "NPC::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::updateLightMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::renderParticles", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Projectile::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::image", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "FlowingWaterAgent::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Player::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "DungeonGenerator::generateNearZero", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldServer::Generator::generateTiles", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::render", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.worldUpdate", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.clientsIncommingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "ColorMapQuadRenderer::setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.glClear", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.clientsOutgoingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::updateLightMap.setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "NPCSpawner::step", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "MuzzleFlashEffect::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::loadFromDisk", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_GL_SwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldServer::Generator::generateEntities", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "universe_time_client", "620134" ], [ "client_entities", "57" ], [ "client_sectors", "34" ], [ "client_incoming_bps", "6162.67" ], [ "client_outgoing_bps", "2047.71" ], [ "client_worst_incoming", "43:5140" ], [ "client_worst_outgoing", "43:1350" ], [ "render_fps", "56.5976" ], [ "update_rate", "59.6954" ], [ "player_pos", "7885.63 1729.86" ], [ "player_vel", "-0.35 -0.81" ], [ "player_aim", "7884.71 1729.42" ], [ "version", "Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 6" ], [ "universe_time", "620104" ], [ "server_13246415039839021591_entities", "964" ], [ "server_13246415039839021591_sectors", "531" ], [ "server_13246415039839021591_coordinate", "alpha:-37192867:-18583313:-18037586:2" ], [ "server_13246415039839021591_world_time", "30.3707" ], [ "server_1223685220544892804_entities", "121" ], [ "server_1223685220544892804_sectors", "88" ], [ "server_1223685220544892804_coordinate", "null" ], [ "server_1223685220544892804_world_time", "37.2657" ], [ "server_8014170294998161252_entities", "339" ], [ "server_8014170294998161252_sectors", "59" ], [ "server_8014170294998161252_coordinate", "gamma:57843617:26704894:-5868115:8" ], [ "server_8014170294998161252_world_time", "37.3167" ], [ "server_9449023738405632964_entities", "323" ], [ "server_9449023738405632964_sectors", "141" ], [ "server_9449023738405632964_coordinate", "alpha:57844304:26705104:-6601148:3" ], [ "server_9449023738405632964_world_time", "10.8717" ] ]
      Info: Client shutdown gracefully
      Info: Shutting down Star::Root
  2. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

  3. rmcmurph

    rmcmurph Space Spelunker

    i tried giving the storage_unstable read/write permissions but Read-Only won't stay unchecked. I even tried using the attrib command in cmd prompt. any ideas?
  4. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

  5. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Were you able to correct your file/folder permissions and get the game to run?
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