UPDATE: Thanks for being interested in testing! If you want to report any issues please go to the official thread and post them there! After downloading the latest version, of course. http://community.playstarbound.com/...nd-toddlers-with-junimos.115073/#post-2902145
You can try to find a save that has babies and use it for testing =) Here's a thread of bunch of test saves to choose from: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/can-we-have-your-save-files.111999/
I'm a couple minutes too late, but the Divorce Mod let's you spawn/de-spawn mates AND babies at will.
Does it? That's pretty cool. I'll need to keep that in mind for screencaps later. In case I wanna jazz up my release post, which is here.
i tested it and omg its so cute i love when they do the little dance thing! however i noticed some stray pixels in the running animation i took a screenshot (which was hard cause they run so fast xD ) EDIT: i unpacked the file and looked at the sprite sheet i think the problem is that the frame in the top row on the far right is the problem its one pixel too low so the foot clips in to the frame on the row below it. just thought I'd let you know if you hadn't already noticed this!
Ha ha, yes, I picked up on that when I tested! I should have fixed it since I did notice that the issue with the sprites. d: The fix should be in the official release thread I linked to above.