conventional kraft is what that Number of units of which goods are obtained. I propose to make the craft is not linear. let's say there are several layers to a single subject. say it is an ax in the three layers of iron is the main part of zaosreniem in the part that performs an action as in the handle 3 layers of wood. If acute Clay flat it an ax or sword, if it is in the form of a cone or pickkapeyu I apologize for the clumsy Trnsfer, I don `t know English.
I know how you feel buddy, english isn't my native language so i get trouble from time to time about it. But geez, maybe you should use something other than Google translate? I can't understand a word of that sentence.
Are you saying like: You have an iron ax, but you make the blade of it some other ore, and the rest iron (the handle is wood) or something like that?
I am thinking what zombie means is that say you have an Axe, to make this it may require 3 layers of iron ore for the blade, and 3 blocks of wood for the shaft, working by layers to create it stronger, maybe. That is what I got from it.