Craft elevators

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Vaidred, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Woodledude

    Woodledude Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, the player did have a pickaxe in the recent lighting demo...
  2. Hostail

    Hostail Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah, all the stuff I could think of with elevators.
    The only question is how it would be made... with some kind of wiring or will it have some kind of option inside of it to decide what activates it, how far up/down it will go and such.
    Otherwise its a pretty neat idea, I would like to have it implemented in the game, even post release :)
  3. 777eza

    777eza Existential Complex

    I think they should that way when I dig a hole to the center of a planet I don't have to jump a hundred times.
  4. EaglePryde

    EaglePryde Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That was one tech i was waiting for since mincraft, terraria and it never came...hope we'll see it in Starbound.
  5. Eqlles

    Eqlles Over 9000!!!

    As long as elevator item-requirements upgrade as they do. I really question making an antigravity pad out of a plank of wood and some wire.
    For god's sake don't let items in starbound as expensive as in Terraria... My apathy to grinding couldn't take it... At very least make all the junk buyable.
  6. dmmoebius

    dmmoebius Master Chief

    Screw elevators: teleporters :cool:. I want my slave lab. . . I mean, miners to all be trekkies.

    Edit: Star Trek convention? Excellent, I needed some more miners!

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