Craftable Robots

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by locustgate, May 26, 2012.

  1. locustgate

    locustgate Big Damn Hero

    I don't know if this would go here, items, or npcs.

    Ok so you would be able to make several different types of robots, their durability and speed depends on what metal you make it from, i.e. a tin robot will be weak but fast, iron average speed/durability, adamantium damn near invincible but slow.

    Scout robots:
    These robots are made for scouting the planets there are 2 types, they are the cheapest and fastest of all robots.
    -Explorer robots: These robots are made to scout the surface of a planet and report any and all surface level items, they will avoid caves.
    -Mineral robot: They will make small tunnels 1 block and travel a certain length in straight down and report any minerals, ores, gems, whatever.

    Worker Robot:
    Worker robots are a little less expensive as soldier robots worker robots will gather materials that you order it to, a list will pop up and you have to check a box on what you want it to collect.

    Soldier Robot:
    These robots will either defend you or defend a certain area/building, any hostile mob will be attacked, you must equip them yourself. They are more durable and slower that the scout robots.

    Goliath bot:
    The largest, most expensive robot in the game. However it is the most durable robot out of them all and the slowest. It follows the same rules as the soldier robot but it can not use weapons, but it can make short work of most mobs in the game in a few hits.

    Robot controller: This device will allow you take direct control of a robot from the safety of your base.
    Robot patrol limiter: This is a simple 'post' that you pace on the ground, in the background, that will keep robots from wander past in.
    Zd0g96, KuroHinotori and Fleshwarper like this.
  2. pwner53

    pwner53 Over 9000!!!

    Dis sounds pretty damn sweet!
  3. Jazzy

    Jazzy Star Wrangler

    Robots sound nice, I hate having to collect tedious materials for large projects.
  4. Liquidified

    Liquidified Big Damn Hero

    really good idea!!
  5. NinjaNick

    NinjaNick Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I was thinking maybe RC Helicopters that you make out of hard to find materials and once you activate it, you control it and can fly it into small crevices underground. Perhaps you can scout in the sky. Maybe you can upgrade it with a flashlight that provides light, or a small gun to kill small creatures. Would definitely be fun to play with.
  6. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    I think everyone could use a mining robot now and then for projects.
  7. Daston

    Daston Space Penguin Leader

    What about builder robot which build buildings you designed earlier? You would have to give it materials or it would take them from your mining robots.
  8. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    Sounds like a good idea and I think pre-designed buildings like blueprints for buildings were announced so builder robots would probably use those

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