craftable stationary emps

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by cdogcdl, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. cdogcdl

    cdogcdl Cosmic Narwhal

    To protect your base from electronic enemies you could craft pulsing emps and toggle the with switches.

    Tell me what you think!
    Gumdrop Meadowz likes this.
  2. Tiktalik

    Tiktalik Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I like this idea, but there should be some cons to having EMPs go off in your base..perhaps you should have to EMP shield your stuff?
  3. cdogcdl

    cdogcdl Cosmic Narwhal

  4. Doctor Ragnarok

    Doctor Ragnarok Former Staff

    Unless you were wearing some sort of electrically powered armor, I don't see why an EMP field would stop you from passing through it. I like the idea of an EMP emitting object for say PVP usage, or even mechanically inclined enemies, but placement would have to be very careful so as not to fry your own equipment, as was already pointed out. I'd think it be some sort of lamp that you could dot around the landscape in an attempt to keep these things from actually getting to your base.
  5. cdogcdl

    cdogcdl Cosmic Narwhal

    Maybe as a background piece... or devices that shoot it like a lazer
  6. Chaosmancer

    Chaosmancer Big Damn Hero

    It does sound like a good idea to have an EMP that activates when switched on/an enemy comes within a certain proximity. I do think that it should disable everything electronic for the X seconds/minutes after it has been activated. This could lead to having other things, such as placing it outside your house and having to have some sort of EMP shield (a block that doesn't let the pulse through (obviously, it would have to completely surround whatever you needed to protect). There could also be a backup generator that you either have to manually activate, or it will automatically activate (dependent on how you wire it up), and this only has a certain amount of time before it runs out completely and you need to recharge it.
  7. cdogcdl

    cdogcdl Cosmic Narwhal

    I just had an idea... The emps should disable electronics in chests also, and the blocks that block emps should be able to be made into a storage device, as to save space and keep your electronics functioning
  8. Gumdrop Meadowz

    Gumdrop Meadowz Cosmic Narwhal

    The laser idea is interesting; you shoot a beam of energy that overloads the target's equipment (or itself if it is mechanical), making it short out for a good couple of seconds.

    If the pulse idea had a very long downtime before you can pulse it again, that would be fine. Possibly, you could have a switch, that charges it, and to switch it again makes it pulse, all depending on how long you let it charge (with a certain maximum limit). That would lend itself to more of a skillshot basis, at least.

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