R00lz: Someone creates a planet (In this case,I) and others interact with it,creating new races or factions creating situations for the existing ones. You can only control your own directly.Otherwise it must be direct. Planet name:Symaric-Viera --Leaving post for ImmortalTrance to post the last things that happened before the forums went down.I will post further detail.
(( My forum is gone so I can't post the previous stuff, we will start over. )) The planets name is Symaric-Viera, This planet is a refuge for ancients and gods alike, the planet is made of one exotic island. Its beautiful. On this island was one god, his name was Magnus Oculum, he is a god, he is a cat. He is the god of magic and superstition. The islands floral life is colorful, the trees were tall and purple as well. The beaches were clean, the water was clear blue. The wildlife was teeming, this island /planet was at its peak of its existence. What could go wrong?
So this is basically a prequel to the Smary/Raevenos,back when the planet was non-radioactive? Kool Inside it lived a colony of Avian (the ancestors to the Symaric) feathers black as a clear night,Eyes yellow as a ray of daylight. These lived in a society simplar to ancient london.
These Avains were merely slaves to the gods, however, serving as waiters and messangers for the lordly beings. Some treated the Avains with kindness, while others saw them as mo more than tools.
Magnus saw the Avians as equals and demanded them justice, but the other gods would not hear it. He decided to declare them gods. Each was a god to an attribute of the island, the sand, the grass, the colors,and even certain rocks.
But they could not take it. As they immediately began fighting over who is the best and strongest of them all.True chaos ensued.
Seeing the bickering and infighting, the lord of Order and Might, Sordu, sealed the Avian's powers to cease the fighting. Now only the most mighty Avians must climb to Sordu's throne and ask for their powers to be returned. This path is marked with many trials and troubling decisions, all of which help decide the worthiness of the Avians.
A young Avian,named Aurorus,dreamed with having powers like his father once did,so he went on a journey to claim powers of his own [MUST_ESTABLISH_MAINCHARACTER]
Magnus was now unsure of his decision, but it was too late. The Avians were disrespectful little bugs. Magnus would never want an Avian to be among their ranks. He would never speak to an Avian again.
Aurorus reached the first trial on the path to Sordu's throne, a trial of might. Before him stood mountain cliff, which Aurorus would need to climb in order to reach the next trial.
Aurorus built make-shift "Wings" using tree leaves and similar materials,and flew to the top of the cliff.
On his way up the cliff, he sees another Avian, younger than he, attempting to climb the stony facade. The youth looks to be struggling against the strong winds and looks to be stuck where he is. Will Aurorus help the other Avian?
At the top of the cliff the Avian thanks Aurorus and continues down the path. Shucking his MacGyvered wings, Aurorus reaches the next trail, a puzzle. To reach the doorway up above, four sets of blocks need to be the same height in order to act as a staircase. However, each block is a different size.
Aurorus smiled,and stacked the blocks.This way,they are one,and the same height.He then proceeded to climb them up.
With one block, the door opens. Aurorus crosses through and can now see Sordu gleaming upon his throne not far away. All he must do now is approach the god.
Aurorus (aka the level 100 charisma birb) approaches the god,and asks him for power.He tried not to seem agressive or greedy,just curious.
Sordu turns his gaze onto the Avian. "Welcome to the third trial, child. Prepare to be judged." The god stands in front of Aurorus, towering over the defiant bird. "For the challenge of Might, you decided to fly over the mountain instead of face the trial head on. You did not show your Might. In addition, you saved another Avian from finding his Might, failing his trail as well. In the second trial, you did not Order the blocks, but simplified the challenge overall. You do not have Order. You do not have the qualities needed to pass my trials. I do not grant you any power." Sordu has passed his judgment over Aurorus.