But then the alien guy comes up with a minigun and blasts the doge out of existance "MUAHAHAHAHA this will show them that there actually ARE aliens!" and then walks towards a door that wasnt there before, dragging Anthony with him.
The tungsten robots tackle Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (the aliens guy) and take Anthony back to their lair.
But suddenly the blue doge appears with a rocket launcher and begins firing wildly, everything missing emotionally stressed out Anthony.
More like oil. But anyways, the blue doge beams them up to the super-doge colony where many like the doge live.
The glowing blue Doge yells "Remember my name Anthony, Bloge." "WTF," replies Anthony. Bloge suddenly starts flashing and eventually explodes, destroying a few tungsten robots and giving Anthony enough time to escape... EDIT: Oops I took a little too long to write this, oh well...
The majestic horse doge is so fat that it gets stuck in the blast doors. Luckily, the blast doors are torn apart by the horse-doge
But not just any avali appear. The Super Mecha Avali Strike Force shows up, with their color themed machines ready to fight for the glory of justice and honor and probably some other sappy stuff. They race off through the stars to the planet Cerevsa Mono A, a desert world that is high in crime and ne'er-do-wells. As they enter the atmosphere, the five avali team members pose awesomely before colliding with the surface.
And of course Tentacles, the most important member of the team, due to his mecha forming the head of the Ultra Avali Ultra Mecha form, which involve all the members and Teamwork to use.