I like human Zekfad with Nick Deputy necessarily told him that you wanted him to pass. Thanks for providing this information!
Creative flight isn't working. i get the quest but it doesn't tell me I've completed it or unlock the flight tech
... So this might sound stupid, but how does the .modpack file work? Most mods work as a .zip, and I dunno how to install a .modpack
@Jon471 to unlock tech, you need item to give quest and item to complete quest. Its located in "Ultimate Box". @xandertifft in basic craft you found "Ultimate Box". @Blakgarde .modpack is archive but only for Starbound. .modpack is small and faster load.
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198117293357/screenshot/548680779282017975 В Random Equipment Box нету HUD'а. there are no hud in random equipment box lol.
How? I went into the box gave myself the "Unlock Creative Flight Tech" item, i got the quest automatically, i accepted the quest, and then nothing happens, I don't get the tech i just get the item and a broken quest that cant be finished. also the "Creative Flight" item doesn't do anything either. I know your probably doing your best but I'd appreciate it if you could fix the issue, everything else in the mod works perfectly except that.
#Red_Mercury You don't need to do that. Simply place this file in the folder with mods and everything. #hexx77x Simply place this file in the folder with mods and everything. #Jon471 Now there are 2 thing. One gives you a job, and the other finishes it. See the "Ultimate Box".