I already got Flight Quest,Flight item and Flight unlocker but still cant use flight tech, did i miss something?
How is the flight tech quest supposed to work? I've spawned both, yet the quest isn't completed/quest unlocked. Is it something I've done wrong, or is it just a general problem?
I've hit a very odd bug. Whenever I access a Metalwork Station, or any Second Tier crafting station, I've access to make anything regardless of my materials. It's as if I'm using the Spawning Box. This bug is almost game breaking, as I use this mod as a utility, but when I craft something it doesn't use any materials from my inventory and I can make an infinite amount of the thing in question. It really is quit bizarre how this happens. Because I don't how what triggered it. It just happened.
Hello! I just installed this mod really happy to see some form of it back up and running but I've hit an error it seems. I put it into the correct folder and everything but when I launch the game it pops up a window with the error name (below). Please let know if it's on my end or yours and if I can fix it! Thank you!! Error was as follows: Fatal Exception caught: (IOException) blockIndex: 916 out of block range
Forgive for issues, but I can ' t fix them since I don ' t developer fashion, I only made to he though как-то lived on the new version of. It is Necessary to wait aMannus until he will make an update. And I have had no problems oddly enough, it is possible из-за other established mods.
*UPDATE* I may have deduced the problem. I wedged my character into a nook in the Erchius Moon Base mission, and I had to op myself to warp back to myself. It seems as though you don't need the boxes to spawn things when you are op'd
А как получить креативный полёт? Я получил квест, и не знаю, что делать дальше. How to get a nice flight? I got this quest, and do not know what to do next.
We require all posts to be in English or provide a translation. I've added one for you, but you need to include one yourself from now on.
For some reason my S.A.I.L gets messed up it doesn't let me upgrade my Matter Manipulator but overall nc
does this not work anymore? it is supposed to be in the basic crafting menu right? but i press c and there isn't a "ultimate box" in that window
This mod is great!!! Why has there been an update to the new version of starbound. I really like this mod!
Please use the edit function next time instead of deleting your posts and making new ones. Regards Iris Blanche
A new version of Starbound is out, how long do we have to wait for a compatible version of this mod? I need this mod to pass the erchius mine boss!!!