Mob Creature AI/Abilities

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Zulgaines, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Zulgaines

    Zulgaines Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think creature type NPC's should be given an intelligence/personality rating that effects how they deal with players and what type of abilities they tend to get. I believe this would bring a lot more life to the worlds we visit, I'll give some examples of what I mean.

    Prey: These are passive creatures that don't like to fight, when attacked or threatened they will either run or use a defensive ability to protect themselves such as forming a hard shell, digging underground, jumping away with a burst of energy, hiding, spraying out blinding or movement impairing liquid.

    Predators: These are meat eaters that are aggressive to the player, they get the offensive type abilities that we see now such as breathing fire or lightning. They're not very smart beyond that and work similar to how they do currently in the game.

    Stalkers: These are predators with a more cloak and dagger approach to hunting. Their AI causes them to seek the dark and avoid light sources until they attack, their abilities tend to help them remain hard to see or come with strong opening attacks such as pouncing from the darkness or destroying primitive torches left out in the open. Other sample behaviors could be waiting until they outnumber the player, or following them underground but staying out of sight when possible.

    Trappers: These predators don't move around much and prefer to have players come to them, these types of creatures like to set up traps such as webbing, goo, or poisons. Players getting caught in these types traps will trigger this mobs attack.

    Alphas: These are large animals that avoid packs and tend to be alone, they're stronger than normal creatures and tend to have improved versions of basic predator abilities. The point of these is to have a lower spawn rate than normal types of enemies but be more intense encounters when they do spawn.

    Floral: These are plant-based enemies that generally cannot move, they would be like Venus fly traps or pitcher plants.

    Malicious: These are special types of creatures that are given abilities that let them surprise players where they think they're safe. Malicious type creatures like to do things such as sneaking into open doors and hiding in containers or under beds, waiting for players to pass by or use these objects.
    Kilnarak and andrepozzi like this.
  2. andrepozzi

    andrepozzi Void-Bound Voyager

    I liked your ideas! It would be greate have at least two of this things to the game :idea:
  3. Kilnarak

    Kilnarak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like these ideas. I'd also like to see the different types of mob interacting with each other, like predator mobs hunting prey mobs.
  4. Zulgaines

    Zulgaines Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd also like to point out that the different behavior types could vary by planet as well which would improve the exploration factor of the galaxy even further. Imagine the following:

    You're underground on a moon planet mining for ore, you've left a tunnel behind you that's lit up with torches. Suddenly you notice the light to your left goes out, you run in that direction and for a split second you see it. A dark creature comes into your field of vision just long enough to break your torch. You momentarily wish you had used a sturdier light source and pull out your flashlight pointing it in the direction of where the creature was. You see it again and ready your weapon to attack it...

    except it doesn't charge you, it retreats back into the darkness away from your flashlight. Now you're nervous... you pull out another torch and run toward the darkness. You throw down your torch and there it is just inches from your face, a dark skinned stalker on four legs. You pull out your two handed sword and get ready to attack, except the creature was more ready than you were. It leaps at you so fast you don't react in time to hit it, the pounce sends you flying back with half health left. You raise your weapon and slay the creature as it rushes you for a follow up attack.

    You lived, this time. But you decide to bring some iron lanterns with you next time you mine this planet.
    andrepozzi likes this.

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