Hey All. This is a personal preference, please be respectful. So a cool suggestion would be a type of behavioural pattern between monsters on a planet. For example, does the mob slowly walk to the victim and pounce with a fury of attacks? Or does the monster stop for a while and chargers at the victim, full speed. Or perhaps give each randomly generated hostile mob an individual fighting, walking and running style. But implementing this into the game would be very hard no doubt. Give us an opinion on what you think about this or similarly to this. Thanks for Reading. PopCosmo ;D
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Basicly the mob AI that we've seen isn't quite completed. (I think) There will indeed be more to it. Also it's been previously mentioned that there will be somewhat of an "ability system" sorta similar to how Pokemon attacks work. I don't have the source but there was a livestream where they confirmed that the low level/tier creatures will just have basic attacks like charge or something kind of like how when you start up a Pokemon game all the Pokemon you meet at first have simply Tackle, quick attack, and/or growl. As the creatures get tougher they will have more tactics and different attacks to chose from. In short pretty much everything you've asked for is already in the game! Edit: It's in here somewhere I think.
to be fair, any streams you see tend to have very limited AI. this is due because when they are testing ai it's easier to give the same Ai to eeevery mob rather than hunt them down. in other words, the streams we see might be a drop of sand compared to the real mess of Ai stored and being worked on