Ever wish you could have a more... energetic way to travel? Well H.Obo Inc. has been working on the blueprints for making a device to do just that! The Creature Velocity Director (Henceforth refered to as "the CVD") will allow, once properly calibrated; quick, automatic travel over short distances in a full 180 degree (upwards only, why would you shoot down?) field! The basic premise is a relatively small electro-magnetic rail system housed on a pivoted base, allowing you to shift the field of fire (permitted proper funding) precisely where you want to to go. Now, Lets not get caught up in the visual details, the sponsors will have a fair say in that, H.Obo Inc. is nothing if not dedicated to our sponsors for trying to make the universe just a little bit better. What I will say about the CVD is that once placed it's warranty is void and any harm done to our valued customer is purely their fault for improper calibration/operation. Which brings me to calibration and operation! Once placed, the CVD will automatically shift to factory standards of angle and power, and (if funding permits) can be changed to launch you at the exact angle/power you need to, ohh say, launch yourself through an open window, or onto a rooftop! After calibration the CVD will store the specs in memory and run automatically until switched. The propulsion is done as soon as the scanners detect suitable life, enveloping the victim user in a cocoon of plasma for a split second to absorb the kinetic energy, and launching it in high speeds down the rail. The CVD blueprints even include a fail-safe for ensuring a safe trip; it will automatically factor in weight/aerodynamics of any "critter" to be launched exactly like a human, hence my employees pet name for it, the "Man Cannon". This feature can be turned off if the sponsors like, though I'm sure it would take a lot more effort to undo it at this point of development. Now, why would you want a CVD? Whats the real point on them? The answer is simple; it's a swift, consistent, unorthodox way to travel! With a properly set up CVD you can go from point a to b much faster than walking. A seasoned operator will be able to quickly set one up in the field to bypass obstacles that would be daunting, if not impossible to pass without one. They could be set up to link important buildings, bypass obstacles, or even launch intruders into... unfavorable circumstances. Scenarios go on, but I'm sure all of you potential consumers and sponsors can see that for yourself. Bear in mind this in no way bars you from the physics after the launch, if not properly calibrated you may end up severely maimed with no-one to blame but whats left of yourself. H.Obo Inc. retains that even though this product is in early development, it will be absolutely flawless when released to the public and any injury received when using this product is the fault of the user, or maybe even the calibrator. *Any reference to "Funding" refers to a couple things, first and foremost it refers to the time invested in programming it, secondly it refers to materials required to create CVD's if devs decide to make numerous tiers (which could be considered the "firepower selection") **Sponsors refer directly to the game developers, and anyone with half a say in what goes into/stays out of Starbound, it looks like you guys are doing a mind blowingly great job so far! ***No longer acting the part of Herbert Obo in this thread, if something like this exists, or if this isn't the right place for this suggestion I'm sorry