Mob Creatures and Creature Behavior

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by XionOblivion, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. XionOblivion

    XionOblivion Void-Bound Voyager

    This is a list of suggestions that I have thought of and I feel that it could add some dynamics to creatures, their behavior, and to give them more personality than just random, pointless creatures that are good for money and meat.

    Anyway, here I the list.

    -Different creatures could eat different crops as they pass by them. Items like fences and scarecrows could stop some animals from eating your crops. This would give some purpose to farm-like items.

    -More personality, and functionality for creatures. (All they really seem to be is just random creatures) Perhaps give mobs some unique drops.

    -Creatures could maybe 'roam the planet in search of food' instead of just walking back and forth. It seems derpy if they dont go anywhere. Like they're stationary.

    -Interactivity with creatures. (shearing them for wool, milking for milk, brushing them for scales or hair, etc)

    -Some Creatures sleeping during the night, while others could sleep during the day.

    -If a passive creature is attacked; or a hostile creature notices you, any nearby creatures of the same type will notice and attack you.

    -Some significance for fish, such as being able to fish for them, or interact with them. Maybe even being able to have them as a pet.

    -Breeding and farming animals. Such as having cow, sheep, and other farm animal-like creatures that would serve a purpose. They wouldn't despawn, could be randomly generated animals just like the mobs, be a rare or slightly-rare occurrence, and possibly be able to herd some animals to other planets by bringing them onto your ship.

    These are suggestions that I have, but could already be added or planned.
    Frostfall likes this.
  2. Ordessa

    Ordessa Orbital Explorer

    I think there should also be more AI types for creatures. So far, the only creatures I have seen are things on land, which just walk around, stuff that flies, and fish. (I am not counting special creatures such as that weird wall walking robot from the sewer dungeon) I'm thinking burrowing creatures, stuff that crawls on walls, and things that have other methods of movement, like swinging from web or something like that. Would give some real variety to mobs.
  3. Lightcaster

    Lightcaster Space Hobo

    I agree with the thread starter that the creatures need a bit of work to become memorable inhabitants of an alien planet.
    At the moment you just distinguish between friendly and unfriendly.
    My two cents:

    - To take in consideration the suggestion of the thread starter ( Quote " ...Creatures could maybe 'roam the planet in search of food" ...." ).. well who says that
    alien creatures just eat crops or similar.
    There coud be creatures which digest stones or even ores. If such a creature is tamed you could use it as some kind of truffle pig
    ( Good boy..find some diamonds for me :) ). Or you have to hunt down such creatures to get the ore which they digested before.
    - Some creatures could have the ability to dig holes, tunnels through certain blocks. They could build some kind of nests, laying eggs and such.
    - Creatures could be affected by the environment and the things build by the player. For example creatures which are attracted or repeled by light and heat sources.
    - There should be some kind of simple food chain on a planet with common plants/eggs/materials eaten by herbivores eaten by carnivores etc.
    A small ecosystem unique to this planet. Changes made by the player ( for example eradicting a specific animal type or bringing a different type of creature to the planet )
    could lead to unforseen consequences and changes to the ecosystem.
    Frostfall likes this.

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