Hi guys, The current battle system is very barebones and there is a lot that the devs need to do to make it a polished and enjoyable experience. Currently it seems to me that they are only focusing on the stats of monsters in relation to the players weapons. Difficulty of monsters isn't just the stats only but also on the way the monsters behave and how they attack the player. Currently all monsters just basically rush you and jump very high to rush to get to you , and it doesn't matter if they have strong attack or slow attack. Monsters should have different paths and different ways of attack you. They should be smarter too. For example, lets say you have a big rat creature, he's lots of health lets say 200 hp, however his damage is only 20 damage, and he's also very slow moving. When he sees you he'll start to move towards you horizontally, and cannot jump. This means the players can develop strategies in fighting different mosnters instead of just clicking way with their left click mouse button . For example, lets say you have a monkey that loves to jump, and when they see you they jump and shoot bananas at you, their attack damage is decent lets say 10 hp per banana, but they only attack in the one specific arc, so the strategy could be that you run underneath the banana arch and attack the monkey from below or you use a range weapon to attack them.
I agree, also the jumping monsters seem like they can change the direction of their jump mid-air (as can the player) to land on you even if you move. This seems weird because it is not possible in real life.