I now know that you can already have crew members so this thread can be about them. You could buy them at certain villages or camps on planets or do them a side quest and they would join you. I think they should be able to go on planets but they would just follow you. I think this would go great with my other idea right here http://community.playstarbound.com/...vanced-mobs-that-also-have-a-spaceship.26411/. Meaning they could man attack systems and shielding systems. Of course it probably now sounds like faster than light speed right here http://www.ftlgame.com/, But is that such a bad thing I don't know say in the comments your thought about it. If a crew member dies I think he or she should be dead forever but they wouldn't cost that much coins. You could arm them with guns or melee weapons or both and they would decide which one is more useful for the situation and you could also give them armor and all this would drop when they die. Please say in comments additions and problems thanks .
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Already planned. They are working on it so they feel more like companians than pets, last time I checked.
oh this thread doesn't really mean anything then does it lol but mebay it can help star bound on how do companions, (also it fits with my other thread lol).