Mob Crocosprintus

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Vincey, Jan 8, 2013.


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  1. Vincey

    Vincey Big Damn Hero


    Yes, this is inspired by one of my favorite extinct reptile, the Prestosuchus:

    Quite simple for a suggestion realy, just a creature that looks like a crocodile and yet runs like a panther. That would be once heck of a predator

    Drops scaley skin that can be used to make basic armors, clothes or even a purse if you're into that kind of thing. Drops teeth that can be used to make primitive weapons. Drops meat which can be eaten of course.

    Lives in swampy regions of a planet, it likes to take a good swim once in a while and can even eat fishes. But it catches its prey mostly on the land.

    Spawn Rate/Spawning Conditions
    Spawns rarely, usually alone. This predator is at the top of the food chain, that's why there are only few of them.

    Good ammount of health and armor, no mana, lots of energy used to sprint for long distances.

    It walks a bit like a big feline and chase its preys for a long time, often it kills them by exaustion. It runs very fast (twice the player's max speed) and can jump. It likes to swim and rest underwater,

    This creature only attacks with its mouth, no ranged attacks whatsoever. Its jaws are very strong, they do lots of damage to the player if bitten.
    Squiddy likes this.
  2. Callinstead

    Callinstead Void-Bound Voyager

    Must say, I like this idea!
  3. wizzard

    wizzard Aquatic Astronaut

    It looks so satisfied.
    I think its stoned.
    Vincey likes this.
  4. Vincey

    Vincey Big Damn Hero

    What has been seen cannot be unseen... Damnit.
  5. wizzard

    wizzard Aquatic Astronaut

  6. vlamer12

    vlamer12 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Twice the player's speed seems a bit... OP


  7. Vincey

    Vincey Big Damn Hero

    It's about what it is when it comes to human and big running predators.
  8. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    ...sure why not. You did your hardest making it like the others so on so. We got that generate monster general forum about the T-Rex thing. This is pretty close, but not really, just different shape that is all.
  9. The Great Beezle

    The Great Beezle Industrial Terraformer

    When i heard the name i expected a ostrich kind of creature with crocodile features.

    Still, im impressed and you haven't disspointed me for sure.

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