Modding Help Custom NPC Gift Tastes with PPJA mods!

Discussion in 'Mods' started by FuzzyMittens, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. FuzzyMittens

    FuzzyMittens Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello! I'm working on a custom NPC and I was wondering how I would be able to make his gift tastes compatible with PPJA mods that I've installed!

    Thank you!
    • cat9412

      cat9412 Big Damn Hero

      I'm not sure if custom NPCs work this way or not, but have you tried adding their name into the object.json for the ppja items?
      Like for Gooseberry, it shows:
      "Love": ["Maru", "Robin", "Demetrius"],
      "Like": ["Alex", "Caroline", "Clint", "Dwarf", "Elliott", "Emily", "Evelyn", "George", "Gus", "Harvey", "Jodi", "Kent", "Krobus", "Leah", "Lewis", "Linus", "Marnie", "Pam", "Penny", "Pierre", "Sam", "Sandy", "Sebastian", "Shane", "Willy", "Wizard"],
      "Neutral": ["Abigail", "Haley", "Jas", "Vincent"],

      Like I said, no idea if it works this way, just an idea ^^;

      EDIT: Nvm I tried it out, didn't seem to work :(
        Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
      • FuzzyMittens

        FuzzyMittens Void-Bound Voyager

        It worked for me when I added his name into the tags! However, I don't know how I would add compatibility.

        Thank you so much! <3

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