Custom Shiko portrait?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Kourah, May 14, 2019.

  1. Kourah

    Kourah Master Chief

    Hey, I remember seeing an edit of Shiko's (modded NPC) portrait making it more detailed, but I can't seem to find it? I'm now not sure if I saw it here or in a korean blog, so maybe someone has seen it, too?
    • Litinz

      Litinz Big Damn Hero

    • Kourah

      Kourah Master Chief

      That's the one, yes! Apparently I made a naver account but I'm banned. Ah well, if anyone wants to share via DM it'd be nice
      • pepoluan

        pepoluan Big Damn Hero

        Here you go:

          Attached Files:

          younegg, Kourah and Litinz like this.
        • Kourah

          Kourah Master Chief

          Thank you very much!
          • timotetra

            timotetra Aquatic Astronaut

            Sorry if this is super late but could you post the other custom portrait for Shiko that was linked?
            • pepoluan

              pepoluan Big Damn Hero

              I no longer have access to my Naver account, unfortunately. Sorry I can't help.
              • timotetra

                timotetra Aquatic Astronaut

                That's okay. I ended up making a Naver account and downloading it. I'll post it and some other portraits from other people.

                Shiko Portraits by zaira048
                Portraits by Nexus User "PorseHorn" (They use it with DCBurger's hi-res portraits)

                  Attached Files:

                • Ragerui

                  Ragerui Space Hobo

                  how to download it?

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