Modding Help Custom Spawntypes with Custom Drop Pools

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by EclipticWulf, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. EclipticWulf

    EclipticWulf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What I am currently trying to do is make a custom spawn type of a monster with a custom drop pool.

    Oddly enough, spawning one with the command works 100%

    Spawn code to test it:
    /spawnmonster ixoling 6 '{ "colorSwap":{ "5D564B":"1D1B30", "847A6B":"1D1B30", "B5AD90":"575086", "E7E0C2":"7872A2", "722D40":"435774", "B13D51":"6887A6", "E26A6A":"99BEE3", "F59797":"D8E9FA", "373737":"1D1B30", "7B7B7B":"3A365B", "B6B6B6":"3A365B", "E6E6E6":"575086" }, "shortdescription" : "Orbling", "aggressive" : true, "capturable" : true, "statusSettings" : { "movementSettings" : { "walkSpeed" : 12, "runSpeed" : 24 } }, "dropPools" : [ { "default" : "orbideTreasure", "bow" : "orbideHunting" } ], "captureHealthFraction":1.0 }'

    But if I try to do the same thing with a spawntype entry (using what is seen below) it either doesn't apply (while outside "monsterParameters" : {}) or it boots you back to your ship when the monster is killed (while inside "monsterParameters" : {} like the example) - shooting the error, "[Error] WorldServerThread exception caught: (JsonException) contains() called on improper json type")

    Spawntype code:
            "name" : "ixolingHive",
            "spawnParameters" : {
                "area" : "surface",
                "region" : "enclosed",
                "time" : "all"
            "groupSize" : [1, 3],
            "spawnChance" : 0.120,
            "monsterType" : "ixoling",
            "monsterParameters" : {
                "dropPools" : [ {
                    "default" : "orbideTreasure",
                    "bow" : "orbideHunting"
                } ],
                "aggressive" : true,
                "damageTeam" : 3,
                "capturable" : true,
                "statusSettings" : {
                    "movementSettings" : {
                        "walkSpeed" : 12,
                        "runSpeed" : 24
                    "stats" : {
                        "maxHealth" : {
                            "baseValue" : 48
                "shortdescription" : "Orbling",

    Please note that the spawntype does indeed work without the "dropPools":[{}] lines.

    Does anyone know how to get custom drop pools working for custom spawntypes? At this point I just have no idea.

    Thanks for any help!
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018

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