Cutscene at start of map

Discussion in 'Custom Content' started by NotoriousBSE, Feb 2, 2019.

  1. NotoriousBSE

    NotoriousBSE Space Hobo

    Hi all,

    I stayed up until stupid o'clock last night playing with the campaign editor. It's so awesome!

    However... I'm still trying to work out how to trigger a cutscene at the very start of a map. Before any actual turns start I'd like to trigger a kind of intro cutscene. I don't mind if it features on the campaign map or within the map itself but it needs to trigger before turns start at all.

    Cheers all.
      Axe Garian likes this.
    • Lupinos

      Lupinos Lucky Number 13

      It is actually pretty easy. Go to the event editor and create a new event. Name it "Start" or something. At "when" it shall start, choose "Match beginning", select the "Actions" tab and choose the cutscene, you created in the cutscene editor to be played ("map: play cutscene").
      I hope I could help.
      PS: My game is in German so the terms might differ in translation. ;)
        Axe Garian likes this.
      • amcneel

        amcneel Space Hobo

        Also, make sure it's at the top of your events. You can also set a trigger for something that is already true, like a player having 100 gold.

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