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Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Arra, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Water:Healing Kind of a broad term, but this could be alright if used reasonably.
    Fire: Lighting his finger on fire What?
    Nature: Cure diseases This means he doesn't even have any downsides. If he can simply heal or cure anything thrown at him.
    Electricity: stun opponents Of any size or bodily composition? This seems a bit overpowered in my eyes.
    Shadow: Cloak himself in shadow You can't "cloak" yourself in shadow. Standing in the shade does not equal invisibility.
    Crystal: Create a shield out of crystal, throw razor sharp crystals at the opponent I'm getting a very strong "jack of all trades" vibe right now. He's a mage that has points in all of the main skill trees, and then he's created skill trees that don't even exist because he also wants to be a rogue and a warrior.
    Chaos: Make other magic stronger, glitch out reality itself causing weird things to happen This term is so incredibly broad it's nearly sickening. The problem with this as that only YOU get to decide what "weird" things happen. Never in a thousand years would you intentionally put yourself at a disadvantage without having the ability to immediately counter it, creating a sense of artificial danger.
    Light: Illuminate an area How bright is the light? How far does it reach? How long does it last?
    Radiation: Slightly irradiate things around him What does this even mean? It feels incredibly arbitrary. Everything on earth is already slightly irradiated, and I'm going to assume that the same could be said for many planets in the Starbound universe. It's as if you gave yourself a radiation ability simply because you thought that having a radiation ability would be "cool".
    Ice: Freeze opponents What? Encase them in ice? Freeze them in place? For how long? At what temperature does this no longer become viable? How large or small can the opponent be before this loses effectiveness?
    Life: Raise the dead for a limited time Again, why do you even need this, considering your character can literally just do everything already?
    Death: Harm things around him. WHAT!? Seven fucking hells, this is the worst of the bunch. This is so broad and unspecified, it's not even definable. There is no way to place limits or rules on "harm things around him". What? is he just going to end up killing off all of his companions and ending his own life in the process?

    Closing Words

    You created all of these abilities on the spot when crits asked you about them. I know this for fact, and it should be clear to everyone else as well. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but you also placed zero effort into them. That IS a bad thing. Now be honest with us and yourself, do you truly expect that your character will ever be in a position where the downsides of his magic cannot be overcome? No, of course you don't. I refuse to accept this god-tier character with a solution to every problem and little to no downsides, and I DON'T have to be a GM to express these feelings.

    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
    critsarecool, Jareix Cryvix and Arra like this.
  2. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    Sorry, i wasnt fully awake yet when i wrote the thing so im editing it right now
    EDIT: Im still not fully awake but i think its better now
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2016
    Arra likes this.
  3. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    Zetta.....you need to slim down your list a lot.
  4. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    Im finally awake so im gonna do that
    It has been edited
    Arra likes this.
  5. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    I still don't think he should be able to cure diseases, because that's his only downside.
    Arra likes this.
  6. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    Thing is, it takes all of his energy, and i presume food wont exactly be common.
    Arra likes this.
  7. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Then why do you even have that ability if you're assuming that he won't ever get to use it? Here's a concept:

    Let's say Zetta gets diseased, alright? So he somehow manages to get to full energy, and tears off his skin and cures the disease. Now he is left with no energy and wounded palms that are open to getting diseased again, which they WILL, if they already were before. Suddenly, his entire ability to cure diseases becomes a poorly thought out and contradictory curse.
    Arra likes this.
  8. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    Im just like Zetta, i dont really think logically, i hadnt thought of this, you bring up a good point, ill change it so that it only works on others.
    Arra and Captain Kane like this.
  9. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    That doesn't change the fact that using the ability will most likely end up killing your character anyways, but I guess that fixes the predominant issue.
    Arra likes this.
  10. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Maybe the illness could be replased with debuffs?
    Arra likes this.
  11. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    Believe me, i will manage to get Zetta killed no matter what i do.
    Thats a good idea, i dont know if ill use it tho.
    Arra likes this.
  12. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    I think your character is fine now. Their abilities have been trimmed down and balanced nicely. Now it's just a matter of common sense from the players and proper policing from the GM(s).
    Arra likes this.
  13. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    I most likely just offed my char. At least that was something she would do...
    Arra likes this.
  14. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    I'll be disappointed if she doesn't get fucked up. (nothing personal) The angel chick lost her arm just for slapping Ringleader.
    MilkCalf and Arra like this.
  15. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    MilkCalf....I would make another character
    Kaiachi likes this.
  16. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Arra likes this.
  17. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Illithid mind transfer. They are always looking for minds to add to the collective and make more illithid. Hers would do very nicely. ;)
    Arra likes this.
  18. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    I'm gonna assume claiming she was going to die was a bunch of hokey so you had an excuse to add the mind of a young, nubile girl to your collection in an attempt to fuel the illithid's sick and perverse pedophilic agenda.
    Kaiachi, Arra and Jareix Cryvix like this.
  19. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    Aaaand you have a weapon against Ringleader now!
    ( And just waaaat? )

    Oh! If your character dies and you were already in D&F you can make another to replace them!
    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  20. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    I wouldn't call it pedophilic, just desperate. But yeah, pretty much... And now, she's possibly going to go from another notch on the belt, to a trophy on the wall. (Minds can only safely be transferred by willing hosts. However, for something like her, preserving the memories will not be a priority...)

    And it's not his collection, not really... It's the collective of the minds of every illithid in the universe. About 100'000... Illithid bodies are easily grown and matured, but they don't come with new minds of their own.
    Kaiachi and Arra like this.

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