Another barb strikes your side as a small, chittering automaton runs across the ground ----- SBB is seemingly having a hard time getting used to it, and Wisp seems scared.... Ringleader rubs his mask. He seems miffed. Somber shakes her head, mouthing " They're bad. Don't let them take anything. " They look at you like your an idiot..... " Bwweeeeeeeeb. " A loud sound rattles through your bones and through the air...... You nail the child firmly in the head....they fall down...dead.....y-you feel horrible....what have you just done...
He flips through, eventually landing on a page that turned his fancy. He flips the book around, showing Ringleader the page. 'Teach?'
He tries to send it a psychic signal to show a sign of what he is and who he is. "I should still be in the data banks..." -------------- He scoops up the wisp and tries to form an internal cavity to keep them safe.
Xom gives no indication that they understood Somber, but they did. They back up a few more steps, quicker this time, and lower their arms back to their sides. "We are pleased you could make it. Do you want some tea?"
She returns the look. "Look, you asked for help, so I'll exhaust the normal options before I move on to something more intricate. It's the logical option, for a hunter."
" D-Do you want me....t-to teach you? " You see a strange wormlike creature writhe through the sand far under you It doesn't respond....... It just chitters happily ----- The wisp thanks you with a nod of her head Nothing else but you and your despair.... They nod and sit down at the table....they are much to tall for it... Somber goes off to make the tea, leaving the Nyights with you... A small child comes over to you and hands you some sort of meat on kebab... " That's Ranak... Eat that...keep your strength up... we arrive at our village soon... "
" Ooh...thaaank you child.. We all have acquired tastes.. " Their voices sound like a blade grinding against the scales of some great beast.... You smile the tiniest bit at the acquired taste part.... Yo think this will be a shock t their "refined" palate " I...*cough* W-would you truly want me to teach you? " Was that a slight stutter of emotion in his voice? (( Dangit i thought you would think its no big deal... )) As you two run off, the beast lunges through the sand, barely missing you two. It spirals into the sky before burrowing back into the sand....
He attempts to send a signal as a sign of him being a civilian. -------- He tries to smell for any sign of the demon or something.
Xom looks across at what might be their opposition critically. "We have a few questions, if it doesn't trouble you."
It stops chittering and moving.....before coming over to you..... It seems very....malignant... ------- You feel it before you smell it.... A cold wind passes by you, chilling you to your bones..... Frost accumulates on your skin.... you feel a frosty touch your back You see a temple a way- oh nevermind the worm just destroyed it..... Pieces of the temple are launched around, one lands near you two, sending the glassy sand flying in a plume of dust One pats you on the head as the rest nod. Ringleader nods, seemingly shaken by your desire to learn Is he....sniffling? It tastes very spicy to begin with, but turns into a strong meaty flavor.... In all actuality it's rather filling.... But the spiciness might not be worth it You don't think so...but you feel something grab your ankle
Zetta drops his 20th cup... or was it the 21st, i lost count. "IN THE NAME OF THE GODS CAN THINGS STOP SCARING ME?" "Calm the fuck down." Dissidia examines the piece of the temple.