RELEASED Dark red haired Leah

Discussion in 'Characters' started by Satadoros, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. Satadoros

    Satadoros Void-Bound Voyager


    I made a Dark red Haired version for leah.
    it wars my first try and i hope you like it.
    maybe in the future i make a version with green eyes and dark red hair or an other hair color.

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      Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
    • ragnax

      ragnax Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Wow, thanks! Congratulations, this mod was very good!! :party:
        Satadoros likes this.
      • Satadoros

        Satadoros Void-Bound Voyager

        Thank you

        at the moment i'm working on an version with green eyes and a version with an other hair color.
        • EvilPoptart81

          EvilPoptart81 Cosmic Narwhal

          It's a good look on her! Nice job.
          • Satadoros

            Satadoros Void-Bound Voyager

            Dark red haired Leah has returned but now with green Eyes and no bow legs

              Attached Files:

            • Satadoros

              Satadoros Void-Bound Voyager

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