
Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by DJFlare84, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

    The ability to take a crafted item, like a piece of armor, and break it down in to the materials used to make it so that those resources may be allocated elsewhere.

    I saw that "Reverse Engineering" was mentioned here, but reverse engineering isn't so much about taking apart an item for it's raw materials so much as it is opening it up to see how it works...
  2. Ollobrains

    Ollobrains Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Some form of tinkering tools and lab tools to make tinkering more successful
  3. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    I agree with this, it will be mostly useful for rather a) upgrading, b) undoing crafting mistakes, or c)getting useful materials from already found materials.
  4. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    I'll probably just send all my junk to my clan vault
    But this sounds like a good feature to me
  5. EaglePryde

    EaglePryde Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I support such idea. Also depends heavily as how the crafting and maybe upgrade systems will work but sounds all good to me :)

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