Dialogue modding question!

Discussion in 'Mods' started by rhapshie, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. rhapshie

    rhapshie Lucky Number 13

    Hello guys. First time modder here!

    I'm trying to mod Shane's dialogues and adding more variety--specifically him trying to give up the booze. It was touched on during an event but not reflected on the dialogue. But there's just one complication that I encountered:

    Is it possible to add a new dialogue? I noticed he has a day and heart value (Mon2, Wed6, so on) but take Friday for example. He only has a 6 hearts dialogue and none for 8 and 10. I've tried following the format and adding Fri8 but I failed to compile the file.

    This might be a lot more complex, but is it also possible to change his schedule after, say 6 hearts, so he doesn't go to the saloon so often anymore?

    Thank you in advance!
    • Androxilogin

      Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

      Sometimes there is a conflict with things suchs as seasonal attributes. Also, when starting a new line, be sure to backspace then use six spaces then the day and hearts in question. Also be sure to use the latest version of xnbNode. I've been editing his dialogue along with everyone else' for months and haven't run into any problems aside from personal flaws such as formatting issues that needed addressed. As for his saloon schedule, well that can be found in his personal schedule file of the 'Schedules' folder. How to implement changes over time, I'm not sure if that's possible or not.
      • RTGOAT

        RTGOAT Cosmic Narwhal

        Definitely possible!
        I believe I have some great dialogue writers developing for Shane right now to address similar ideas.

        As Androxilogin said, just be sure to format your added xnb data properly.

        Scheduling is a bit more complex,
        and introducing a new form of logic or trigger to gradually change Shane's scheduling would require more than xnb editing.
          Androxilogin likes this.
        • rhapshie

          rhapshie Lucky Number 13

          Awesome, thank you for the help both of you. Just making sure, is the newest version of XNBnode 0.2.1 over here?
          Also, the original extracted version of his dialogue has 4 spaces inbetween, should I make them 6 spaces as well?
          • rhapshie

            rhapshie Lucky Number 13

            Oh, nevermind! I got it. I downloaded Notepad++ and everything works now. Thanks heaps guys!!
              Androxilogin likes this.

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