Did anyone used SVE on android with no bugs?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by motiam, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. motiam

    motiam Void-Bound Voyager

    I tried several times
    But obviously the Entoarox framework didn't work on android
    So that I couldn't reset those bug bushes

    I'm using Stardew Valley Reimagined to instead now.

    Did anyone used SVE on android with no bugs ?
      fadedwaif likes this.
    • shadowslasher410

      shadowslasher410 Seal Broken

      I am not certain what you are using to load SMAPI (I am using the installer by MartyrPher), but, at least for the method I am using, it is stated that it is only partially compatible with SVE. I would hazard a guess that whatever you are/were using is either not compatible or only partially compatible with SVE.
      • motiam

        motiam Void-Bound Voyager

        It's just not compatible with Entoarox framework.

        And I used MartyrPher's installer too.

        I download the newest version of that and the problem solved.

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