I've seen this being suggested or asked for in several different places and I have found a (slightly hack-ish) way to do it. I have tested the code with edited spritesheet and it works, but with just some color balancing done to sprites it doesn't look very impressive. So, if someone with drawing skills got interested and helped making not-watered (and possibly new watered) sprites for crops, it would be cool ^_^
Thanks))) I attached crops tilesheet. Higher half are normal (watered) sprites, lower half - dry crops.
before I continue with this I want to show you what I did for not watered crops. Is something like this what you was thinking on?
I'm somewhat overburdened with requests, but this seems a humble one, so I can also help out a bit when time allows. Basically, a look to show the plant is dehydrated? I think Ailin's image above there is quite a good example.
@Ailin To be honest I thought about making leaves look more wilted, though I guess in pixel art it would be hard to do. Also, why do the crops in your pic have an outline? @Charlatan I'm thankful for the offer, but since all the crops are located in one image I'm not sure cooperating on them would be efficient.
@Nishtra Got it, will stay out of it. But: PS: Ailin's crops do not actually have an outline, when downloaded and checked in an image editor they occupy exactly the same pixels.