Bug/Issue Disappearing mouse cursor when exit to menu.

Discussion in 'Support' started by hollowSmart, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. hollowSmart

    hollowSmart Void-Bound Voyager

    Whenever I exit to menu from the game the mouse cursor disappears completely. I can still see the menu items highlighted and can click on them but it's frustrating to find them with an invisible cursor.
    • Seminus

      Seminus Halfway Developer Developer

      yes we are hunting this since 6 month now. (My guess you are on OSX?) We have no solution yet but are still looking.
      Only workaround is to restart the game atm. Sorry.
      • CoDi

        CoDi Halfway Developer Developer

        Yeah this one haunts me in my dreams. ALT+TAB (if in windowed mode) or moving the mouse around like a maniac seems to help sometimes, too.
        • hollowSmart

          hollowSmart Void-Bound Voyager

          Sorry, forgot to mention that I'm OSX. I hope you guys find a fix soon :)
          • hollowSmart

            hollowSmart Void-Bound Voyager

            I've found another workaround: playing in windowed mode seems to retain the cursor. Hope this helps anyone.
            • Seminus

              Seminus Halfway Developer Developer

              thanks for posting the workaround.

              As soon as we have a fix for that we let you know. But it seems to be a bit more complicated problem.

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