Drake Draco anatis ("Dragon Duck") If you thought this was a dragon, well, joke's on you. You're only half right. Draco anatis is in fact, a fire-breathing duck. Despite their fearsome appearance, Drakes are actually pretty mellow (so long as you keep your distance). Commonly found near lava pools, Drakes eat both foliage (fire grass, scorchreeds, etc.) and small animals. Unlike Solamanders who rely on the sun for their burning breath, Drakes consume small platinum reserves to ignite their flames. Drakes are hunted by both Solamanders and Dragoknights alike. Being used to these fiery attacks comes in handy, making these kills quick and efficient. Drumsticks of these creatures are a common daily meal in Dragoknight society. They are valued for their spicy taste, unique only to their species. Related Suggestions: Dragoknights Solamanders Pyrosaurus Rex Equigriffs Trinoceras Plesiax Also included, a crude walking animation: Comments?
LOLOLOLO this is perhaps the single greatest thing i have seen on these forums. I fire breathing duck. Who'da thunk it?
what about wyverns? I'll accept as it a dragon for this game moment...terraria's wyvern....don't make me laugh. (note: old history with terraria's (non-official) and me little small disagreement).
Were drakes really half duck? For some reason I always thought of them as baby dragons. Either way, we need more silly creations like this such as Or maybe if you really want to go far, a llama that spits acid.
Well technically you're right, drakes aren't half duck. Drake is just another word for dragons. The closest thing to a half dragon half duck is the cockatrice. (Dragon/Rooster)