RP Dungeons and penguins

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Jake9039, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    (You killed both, so I'll assume you are checking the one that isn't just guts everywhere) all that is in the penguin s are their blades(I'm going to assume you have all your gear back now, please equip it in dnd beyond
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2018
    themushroomlord likes this.
  2. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Also, at the end of every battle, you guys take what I call a tiny rest, which is more like a short break. Everybody that is knocked out returns to 1 health, and those who aren't loose any effects that are shorter than 5 minutes.
  3. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    Cool, okay.

    I take my gear and look in the room outside this one.
    themushroomlord likes this.
  4. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    you find yourself looking at a fairly long hallway, ending in a door. The walls are still grey, but now it seems to have some seams in them. The floor seems to have a pressure plate near the doorway that you just came from.
    themushroomlord likes this.
  5. dieselriley

    dieselriley Void-Bound Voyager

    A short rest, not a break, takes 1 hour. We may spend half our hit die, in this case one, and regain hit points equal to the number rolled plus our constitution modifier. There is no such thing as a "tiny rest," and anyone unconscious must roll a d4, and then regains 1 hit point after a number of hours equal to their number rolled. On top of this, taking a short or long rest is our choice, not the dms.
  6. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, I am doing the short break because you have no clerics, and I'm homebrewing it in. Reason I'm doing it like this is because I A:didn't want a player to die too soon and B: I feel like it's relatively balanced and reasonable. Now, I know you haven't been in this area of the forums before this to very much, but it's a general rule that what the gm says, goes, and that includes and. So, you feel the tingling of magic behind you.
  7. dieselriley

    dieselriley Void-Bound Voyager

    So, lets say, the dm doesnt actually have the rulebook to the game, would they still be the autority? No, as this perpetuates ignorance. You cannot properly teach people something if you yourself are ignorant of the rules. And its a short rest, rather than a short break. A break implies there is more to come, while a rest implies that the party is resting. While we have no healer, it is still our choice whether or not to take the rest, as we control our characters. It removes a layer of choice, so you are controlling what our characters do. You as the dm may offer the choice of taking a rest, but saying we take one is similar to saying what our characters due, which removes the need for people playing the characters. FYI "Homebrewing it" would refer to homebrewed weapons, classes, races, or campaigns, rather than telling the "players" what they are doing
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
  8. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Alright, you have done nothing but complain about how I'm conducting dungeons and dragons incorrectly since you have found the pic and this thread. I think the other players are fine with the short break after each battle. It is reasonable, it's fair, it's balanced, and you hardly gain or lose anything from it other than a character's life or a buff/rebuff. Also, I do not believe you are aware that dnd beyond has the rulebook handy as well. Also, since your character did nothing about the tingling of magic in the air behind you(and, since you didn't move you are next to the wall) an arm reaches out of the wall, and attempts to pull yours in, roll a strength or dexterity check to get free of it.
    themushroomlord likes this.
  9. dieselriley

    dieselriley Void-Bound Voyager

    Is the rulebook the actual players handbook, or the simplified free version? And it is still our choice whether or not to take a rest. I rolled a Nat 20 + 6 for the dex save
  10. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    as you struggle to free yourself, you realize that the walls themselves were seeming to swallow your hand. by the time you almost had it past your wrist, the metal formed into a ball around your hand, making it inescapable. the wall swallows your arm, making your only chance for escape to remove your arm from the elbow. they stop there and start heating up, causing you to take 3 burning damage.
    themushroomlord likes this.
  11. dieselriley

    dieselriley Void-Bound Voyager

    Fire damage, not burning damage. Do you understand what a DC is? The average DC for first level is 10-15, 15 being on the much higher side. DC is what needs to be rilled to succeed. Typically, at first level, you would not make them be unable to use an arm. So on a crit, I still fail? Please, find someone willing to lend you the DMG. While I understand that this is a way to stop me from nitpicking at how you dm, I cannot help but find this obsurdly cruel at 1st level, stopping a character from being able to use an arm by forcing the player to cut it off. Regardless of the fantasy setting, no sane/rational persln is actually capable of cutting their own arm off, and if my character did, he would bleed to death from severed arteries. So for me correcting your multiple mistakes, you kill my character. Well done, sir, well done.
  12. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    You could ask a fellow player to cut off your arm, use a piece of tunic as a bandage. Besides, it's better than a level 20 lightning bolt, and it's already cauterized. And if it's not, you can cauterize it yourself because you are a bloodhunters yes? Either way, you are not dead unless you kill yourself. You have a plethora of options in front of you, use them.
    themushroomlord likes this.
  13. dieselriley

    dieselriley Void-Bound Voyager

    I could cauterize it on the buring metal, but I won't because that is pointless. My character likely will cut his own arm off, as he is less than sane. You will literally cripple a character just because I corrected you? Do you not think you are overreacting? My character wields two swords, meaning he needs the other arm to function, as dex based swordsmen usually need to dual-wield. My character becomes little more than a hinderance to the rest of the party because you decided that I was correcting your missuse of the rules too much. Besides, letting ones emotions rule over their decisions only ends poorly, especially when it involves a game. In the regard to a level 20 lightening bolt, if you wish to chastise a player, do so with the player, rather thsn harming their character. Some people put work into their characters backstory and being, so when you harm the character for something the player did, you are basically saying that the character is the same of the player, which defeats the purpose of roleplaying. Back to the lightening bolt, seriously? You got this from Ryab, which is just... ugh. Punishing the character for the players actions is pointless, as it will not stop anything. Typically, it will make things worse, as the player isnt really getting chastised, they get the impression that they can just do it again without any actual repercussion. On to the plethora of options. My character is stuck to a wall. If he were to cut his arm off, he would still bleed out, even if he attempted to cauterize the wound. Have ever seen a wound cauterized? It is not a pleasant experience. It takes more than simply pressing your wound to a fire, it takes sustained exposure, which would enevitably kill my character. There would be no other way to stop his cut artieries from gushing outward, still killing him. Putting a bandage on the wound would solve nothing, even pressure wouldn't help. Please realze that harming characters solves nothing, just tell the players to stop or find an accommodation.
  14. themushroomlord

    themushroomlord Pangalactic Porcupine

    cauterization has been used throughout history as a method to stop bleeding and infections, primarily to treat amputations. It is not that slow, nor does it involve putting a wound directly into a fire, instead a heated piece of metal is usually used to fry a wound sealed.

    As for what our GM is doing here he is trying to deal with a player who has done nothing but argue and complain about almost everything, and HAS repeatedly asked you to stop. To use your own words, arguing with the GM solves nothing.

    PS. For someone who's been rules lawyering so much, you seem to have no problem arguing that you'll bleed to death, dispite there being no rules to say as much.

    PPS. If you don't think your character can cut his own arm off, there are other players...

    PPPS. Sorry @Jake9039 if I stepped outta line with this one.
  15. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thank you for supporting me @themushroomlord on this. I have a plan to handle this though. his arm is still in the wall, and he did take the burn damage, however, a long rest would likely help him, or he could struggle. currently, though, he is trapped. are you willing to try to help him? you are the only guy that has piercing damage
    themushroomlord likes this.
  16. themushroomlord

    themushroomlord Pangalactic Porcupine

    I could try to cut his arm of with my glaive, then cauterise the wound, as its blade is currently on fire... I'd like to go over and examine his arm and the trap before I try anything crazy.
  17. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    You notice that this might not be a trap at all, instead as if a dark wizard was trying to keep you from escaping(also, since the short break, your max health went back up but you lost the flaming blade. You can reignite it though)
    themushroomlord likes this.
  18. themushroomlord

    themushroomlord Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh... ok then. I'll ignite my blade now, and wave it around Veros's face.

    "Do you want me to cut your arm off!?"
  19. dieselriley

    dieselriley Void-Bound Voyager

    Veros looks at him, completely calm. Then pulls out his scimitar, slashes it on his arm activating his crisom rite. With a deft cut, still looking at the glaive-carrier, lops his arm off. He then passes out from the pain, combined with the fire damage previously and the crimson rite damage. All without speaking a word. Now might be the time for a short rest, any players agree? Also, my character bleeding to death is merely the logical thing that would happen. Cauterization is not slow, yes, but it would be immensely painful, and while it is not slow, my character would probably not be able to sit through it, as he needs to be walking around and active. And to the dm, glaives deal slashing damage.

    Ps. Did I write that cauterization requires a wound being put in fire? I meant the wound being put on a heated object.

    Pps. Actually, there are rules for bleeding to death. I would have to make death saves until either I died or was stabilized, with the former most likely happening. I do AL (Adventurers League), which has no homebrew, everything is strictly to the actual rules of the game, with absolutely no variation, I believe I would know a thing or two about the obscure things.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2018
  20. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm afraid that you didn't state that you got your gear, and since your character did not take the short break to get your gear, you do not have your weaponry. Therefore you depend on themushroomlord to relieve you of your arm.
    themushroomlord likes this.

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