RELEASED Dusty Dog Mod (+Additional Color)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by sallychan, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. sallychan

    sallychan Phantasmal Quasar

    I made Alex my farmer on a new save (lol), and I thought it would be awesome to have Dusty as the dog that runs around the farm, so I made a Dusty sprite! :DD Collar optional, of course. Might be useful for those who married Alex and want Dusty out of his box, or maybe just for Great Dane fans. (I wasn't sure if he was a Great Dane or a Doberman until I made this... he looks just like Scooby Doo :rofl:)

    I've tested it, but if you use and notice anything you think is amiss let me know.

    I also made a dark grey version, because besides brown and grey I'm not sure what colors Great Danes normally come in...

    Dusty (with collar): Download

    Dusty (without collar): Download

    Grey (with collar): Download

    Grey (without collar): Download

    Installation instructions:

    1) Download file
    2) Rename the file "dog.XNB"
    3) Open: ( Your PC ) > Steam > steamapps > common > Stardew Valley > Content > Animals
    4) Replace existing "dog.XNB" file with the downloaded file. ( I'd recommend copying the original to a separate folder, should you need it again )
    5) Done! <3

    **OH Does anyone know how change the dog icon in your profile? I can't find the darn thing anywhere in the Content folder
      Last edited: Apr 16, 2017
    • Voltaic123

      Voltaic123 Pangalactic Porcupine

      The animal icons are in the cursors file (Which is in the 'Loosesprites' folder)! Mod looks great, though personally I have a cat pet :3
        sallychan likes this.
      • Mr.Mudkipss

        Mr.Mudkipss Big Damn Hero

          sallychan likes this.
        • Minakie

          Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

          I could never see Dusty very well (especially since his colour seemed to be merging with the colour of the cardboard box...) but those sprites are just adorable. I guess I'll have to download yet another dog for my game once I get home from work at the end of the day. 'Cause 15 is still not enough, clearly.

          As for the Great Dane colours, the ones I've seen the most are beige with a black muzzle and white with black spots (Dalmatian style).

          [​IMG] [​IMG]
            Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
          • sallychan

            sallychan Phantasmal Quasar

            Thank you!! :DD I'll add an update with the icon asap <3
            • sallychan

              sallychan Phantasmal Quasar

              >w</// Thank you! <3 <3
              • sallychan

                sallychan Phantasmal Quasar

                I know! He's usually just glowing red eyes, unless you're in one of Alex's cut scenes with him :/ He's a cutie though!

                Thanks so much! :3 Maybe I'll add these danes if I get free time...
                • Puffjiggly

                  Puffjiggly Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  aaaaaah! bless this mod <3

                  Alex is my fave bachelor~ So its nice to see some more content especially his pal dusty <3
                    sallychan likes this.
                  • TheWolfInBlue

                    TheWolfInBlue Void-Bound Voyager

                    I've wanted a Scooby Doo dog in this game forever!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!
                      sallychan likes this.
                    • Minakie

                      Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                      I just realized that all the dog colors have the same download link D:
                      I downloaded the same dog 4 times D:
                      • sallychan

                        sallychan Phantasmal Quasar

                        OMG I just checked and you're right!! No one's brought that up yet @_@;; And I put so much effort into making sure the links were separated in my tabs when I first posted this haha

                        They should be fixed now!! </3 Let me know if they're still broke.
                          Minakie likes this.
                        • smileykitkat

                          smileykitkat Void-Bound Voyager

                          This is really cute!

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