Modding Help Editing hats.xnb not working?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by emmyschmemmy, Nov 22, 2018.

  1. emmyschmemmy

    emmyschmemmy Aquatic Astronaut

    Hello! This is my first post here, so apologies in advance if I'm in the wrong place...

    So, I've been trying to change the hat data to where wearing certain hats does not change your hairstyle. I've done research, found instructions that I thought would be pretty straight forward, learned how to pack and unpack .xnb files, etc... so I've already tried changing all of the "false" parts to "true," i.e., changing /false/false" to /true/true", but no matter how many times I edit the file, pack it back up, and replace the hats.xnb file with it in the data folder, the change won't take effect in game--the hats are still changing my hair to the short pigtails.

    Some information that may or may not be relevant is that I'm using a mod that gives me extra hair options, so my hairstyles are not the vanilla ones. I'm also on a Mac.

    Does anyone know what might be going on? I'm VERY new to stuff like this so I'm kind of stumped as to what to try next. Also had a bit of a follow up question; one of the pages I used as a reference to edit the files was the modding hat data page on the wiki, and I noticed in their catalogue of the raw data, each hat ended with #!String, which is not in the .json file I've unpacked and edited. For example, in the unpacked .json file I've been editing, each hat ends with the true/false combo. Should the #!String part already be in there but for some reason is not, or do I have to add it myself?

    Thanks in advance, and I'm happy to clear up any confusion if I didn't explain anything clearly enough!
    • SuperPiggeh

      SuperPiggeh Poptop Tamer

      I don't know how to help with editing the file, but I think I can help with the issue as a whole...

      Might wanna give this a quick look :3

      Edit: I think this is the problem
      Try without that mod :p
      • emmyschmemmy

        emmyschmemmy Aquatic Astronaut

        Thanks for the quick reply! I actually did stumble upon that mod! But when I installed it, same result--same hats were still changing my hairstyle :( Also just opened Stardew up real quick and changed my hair to a vanilla style, and the hats still changed it... I've been googling like mad trying to find answers, but I'm at a loss!
          Last edited: Nov 22, 2018
        • SuperPiggeh

          SuperPiggeh Poptop Tamer

          Maybe try uninstalling the mod completely instead of just changing your hair in game, it might have some code in it that prioritizes its own version of hats.xnb (if thats even a thing) so your edits won't fix anything.

          Of course reinstall the mod if that doesn't work
          • emmyschmemmy

            emmyschmemmy Aquatic Astronaut

            Ok I'm a huge goofball. I missed the part in that mod that said it only takes effect for hats obtained/spawned after downloading it, so I bought a new hat and it worked! Didn't change my hair, so it works for me! Thanks so much for having me take a second look at that, I really appreciate it! Yay!!!
              SuperPiggeh likes this.

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