Modding Discussion Elitism in Starbound, How it affects Modding, You and the Future of the Game Itself.

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Lateo, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Lateo

    Lateo Big Damn Hero

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
  2. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    why cant people just troll the simple way like i do
    i got a song witch is basicly an extreamly loud and and high pitched note and holds it
    its great =D
    Lateo and Tsunder like this.
  3. Healthire

    Healthire Can't Most Program the Least

    This is probably something mostly seen in forums. On the IRC we share information freely. Sure, some people will object, but most won't.

    Personally I think ALL modding information should be shared. I'm not a fan of people making mods for the sole reason of using them on unmodded multiplayer servers, but I'm not gonna personally police what information should be free or not. If someone asks a question and I know the answer then I will answer.
    Lateo and Tsunder like this.
  4. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    i got godmode armor but i olny got it so people cant kill me with cheat weapons lol
    i mostly play music tho
    edit: that drawables thing is getting removed in the next update just a headsup
  5. Lunasea

    Lunasea Space Hobo

    Make the game use server-bound assets only. If they want custom armor or skills or whatever, have them send it to the server admins to be approved and implemented. Why wasn't this the default state of things?
    Lateo, Serenity and Dyskord like this.
  6. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    becouse its not fun that way
    i for one love showing off my tree gun that shoots giant dogs
    Serenity likes this.
  7. Dyskord

    Dyskord Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That would also be something i would love.
    I like starbound. I like some things people do, and some mods might also surely be beneficial to a server. However, i am still sort of scared away from multiplayer due to my experiences when i tried multiplayer right after beta-release.
    It was a wonder when the starter planet lasted for 10 minutes, most of the time it got quickly destroyed by griefers with horrible super-mining tools.
    Also, getting killed by invisible kiddies with instakill bubbleguns was only really "funny" for the first 2 or 3 times, then it got quickly annoying.
    The only ways to me to avoid this stuff would have either been: Mod yourself some griefing and invincibility tools, to try to annoy the griefers or just simply quit playing multiplayer altogether. I chose to quit, because even if i had wrapped my head around modding such stuff in, it would still have made the game unplayable, the server unstable, and people getting annoyed.
    The griefing really is something that saddens me, because starbound was one of the few games i bought explicitly with MP in mind.

    I would wish for some way for server owners to control the mods that are allowed to be used (or block mods altogether for vanilla-lovers), but also for some griefing protection implemented into the game. Something like "only you can open your ship containers / destroy stuff on your ship", use dungeon shield generators with some sort of access control to protect your base / homeworld / custom ship, etc.
    Lateo likes this.
  8. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    A table for two?
    Lateo likes this.
  9. Tathar

    Tathar Pangalactic Porcupine

    I remember when you made a big fuss over me having the "cat cape" after you accidentally sent the mod to me. It's probably a good thing that I didn't take some of the modded stuff I had onto the Starbards server though.

    I've always been a fan of keeping modding information freely available, since it helps people learn how to mod their own stuff, and it's why I always insist on mods I commission being freely available for others to use and licensed under the GPL.
    WowGain likes this.
  10. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    I'm suprised you didn't bring up impersonation. Because of the way characters work, it's possible to have the same name as someone on the server. It could lead to your friends getting robbed by... well, you. If two people have the same name at the same time, the latest one to join the server has an _.
    Also, I am not an elitist. I'll gladly share how I got anything and everything (most of the times from friends).
  11. Credey

    Credey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So... You go through all of this, then keep everything you learned to yourself? Interesting. If that doesn't invalidate your point, I don't know what will.

    Pretty much all modding techniques, even that ''dangerous'' information, will come to light eventually. One way or another. It might be abused, it might be patched out. But that's how it's gonna work. Even those mods with creatores who keep stuff tight to themselves so that they can go and show off to the plebians on random servers will be figured out.
    WowGain likes this.
  12. Tsunder

    Tsunder Phantasmal Quasar

    What is elitism, oh
    And how does it affact me?? or modding??

    -Dying armor
    -editing player ships
    neither of these are ever withheld. the latter is literally #4 most downloaded in the mods section. - Fully Customizable Ship
    the former is another huge mod #19 on most downloaded. - Dye Mod
    As for other information, such as create assets like a black chess set, all the "valuable" information can be "discovered" by inspecting the assets, reading the existing (little) documentation on both the forums and

    A goodle search for "starbound modding help" gives me TONS of information to start off with - particularly the starbounder link and the forum modding guide. and that's just the top two results. That's a fair bit of wealth. Actually, that's most of the wealth. The rest is actual coding and programming knowledge.

    ... "new ways to use JSON" uh... maybe that's because people DIDN'T know how to use JSON?
    "slowed to almost a halt" as per
    There's not much to "discover". (Aside from up and coming merge changes) Of course information would slow. I'd even go as far to say that the "realization of how destructive modding could be" had to do with accessability of modding (learning how to write JSON).
    edit: also a LOT of people on the forums have no idea that there's a very real limit to what is moddable in starbound. (exemplary notions: armor can be made to grant immunity to x effect (i.e., lava suit), minimap. kickable football.)

    Since you don't know what other people know, how can you say that? checkmate athiests.

    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    WowGain and Markelius like this.
  13. Lateo

    Lateo Big Damn Hero

    A lot of stuff I learned through other people, I didn't mention it here to protect their privacy. I agree that information leak will happen and that most of this stuff will be patched but for now this is a serious problem with the game in its current state (I'm pretty sure the Devs have already made steps to patch a lot of this however).

    I have time to answer you now :geek:

    I explained how elitism impacts most players who play starbound in the guide who don't mode and how it affects the release of new information in modding. I don't know if I made that clear enough in the post or not so can you tell me how I should improve that in the post?

    I'll admit those pieces of information are public but I didn't want to mention anything more in-depth at the time. Do you have a suggestion for what I should mention instead? Drawbles perhaps?

    That's also true but many of these resources are cataloging things that are already used with in-game items. A lot of that information is missing details, such as with a lot of the lua hooks. It's true though that it's easy to find "common" modding knowledge either through browsing the game files or a search like you said. But I'm referring to more in-depth modding that won't come up with a simple search.

    I'm not necessarily referring to JSON as there are other means to mod the game, and it's true that most ways of using JSON have already been "discovered". However, there are always new ways to put that knowledge to use in a different context that hasn't been documented.

    I had contact with individual(s) who would fall under the category you're referring to who explicitly told me (and in one case demonstrated) they had unique tools to grief the game and did not share the information "because everyone would be able to do it". I'm no mind reader but I don't think I need to be one to understand what that means.

    The modding chat is indeed an extremely great tool to learn information about modding but I was referring to sources that can be obtained on the forums. It's rather hard to catalog information that requires human interaction to receive but I will say that most modders in that chat are heroes for so willingly sharing information.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
  14. Credey

    Credey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This mindset continues the very same elitist thought pattern that you say is bad. They said the same thing about spawning NPCs with base modded tech, or using drawables, that it would break the game and ruin it for everyone.

    And then the very people who said that continued to use it and flaunt it in others faces.
    WowGain likes this.
  15. Lateo

    Lateo Big Damn Hero

    Indeed, I'll be the first to admit I'm part of the problem. But the end goal of this thread is to see a resolution to the current problem with the ability to preform actions like this online without the consent of other users.
  16. Supertoaster357

    Supertoaster357 Void-Bound Voyager

    Ohhhhhh so you're the creepy grim reaper dude that was haunting my medbay...
  17. Narks

    Narks Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    vanilla clients can see this
    Haedes, Tsunder and Ignify like this.
  18. Lateo

    Lateo Big Damn Hero

    Now all I need is some peanut butter and I can make a sandwich.
    Oddbrother likes this.
  19. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    too dark for my tastes so nah :rofl:
  20. Ignify

    Ignify Phantasmal Quasar

    You're talking about strawberry jelly, correct? (If I could change my image without having to use a Gravatar, then I would. 0_0)

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