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Empire Strikes Back!? Return of 8-Bit Empire!

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by MissMaven, Oct 24, 2021.

  1. MissMaven

    MissMaven Phantasmal Quasar

    I am interested in rebooting 8-Bit Empire. I have many fond memories of the times shared with friends of the past and hope to recapture some of that magic and rebuild the server we all loved so much! I don't have any backups. Will be starting from scratch unless someone comes forward with one, but I don't mind that at all! The journey is what it's all about!

    I plan on playing on Survival mode and starting with, essentially, a brand new character. So if any of the old crew wanna try n get the band back together or if this resonates with folks I've never met before, hit me up and we can iron out the details!

    I have considered exploring the use of mods but it is something I am trepidatious about as I do enjoy the vanilla experience and haven't done a complete playthru since all the big changes and "completion" of the story back in the day.

    Bigger post to come with info/application etc. Not trying to be a huge server out the gate but seeking "loyal subjects" to join and grow the Empire with! :lickitung:


    Here is our original recruitment post from years ago. with pics etc:

    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
  2. StarboundIsCool433234

    StarboundIsCool433234 Aquatic Astronaut

  3. Aquilarios

    Aquilarios Space Hobo

    The Glitch said it all.

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