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RELEASED Enhanced Body Shape EBS 1.0.5 & EEBS 1.0.4

A boost to the bust.

  1. Orange-box

    Orange-box Void-Bound Voyager

    Good day word on the wind. I have problem with that mod when i move file to folder mod, when i launch Starbound its not work. Does still work in newer version of game or do have anyone same problem
    for info, you can say me question if you want

    Thanks Orange-box :mwahaha: .
  2. Word on the Wind

    Word on the Wind Former Staff

    Please recite the steps you take to apply E/EBS after you download the archive file and state what other mods you are using, if any.
  3. Orange-box

    Orange-box Void-Bound Voyager

    "and state what other mods you are using, if any."

    holy moly i have many 65 mods and maybe all type if you are curious and "wow" why I have so much a mod reason is becase i love mods its make game much realistic if you want to type all mods i can.

    "Please recite the steps you take to apply E/EBS after you download the archive file"

    [record when i look on instuction to mod] "oh [censor]. okay" *inserter a full pack EBS on folder Mod not on folder named Humennoid?* (i think)
  4. Word on the Wind

    Word on the Wind Former Staff

    If you inserted EBS and -only- EBS (Which is to say, not EEBS) into the mods folder, then it should be working. I would sooner suspect there is a mod clash occurring if you have 65 other mods. E/EBS is predicated on having no other mods that also the base specie sprite-sheets or sheet templates. This is in addition to the various outfit sprite-sheets and templates. Such would cause a conflict.
  5. ZambieSlaya222

    ZambieSlaya222 Big Damn Hero

    I was wondering, would it be possible to make this work with the "Make the universe a cuter place" mod? I would really want to have both mods active at the same time
  6. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Fun fact about this mod, it works on direct connects even if the other players do not have it. Seems to be the same way as Stardew Valley, the cosmetic changes don't matter for multiplayer.
  7. Word on the Wind

    Word on the Wind Former Staff

    I haven't looked at the mod you're asking about. If it changes outfits or body shapes, then it won't work and that's that. If it does not alter body shapes or attire, then it should work just fine.
  8. KluexTheGod

    KluexTheGod Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey would you like me to use your models and maybe make a extension of the mod for you? I dont mind sending the files to a email. I shall not make anything public without your permission if I dont have your permission I shall keep it among me.
  9. Word on the Wind

    Word on the Wind Former Staff

    Send me a PM and we can discuss details.
  10. DarkSwordsman

    DarkSwordsman Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  11. Word on the Wind

    Word on the Wind Former Staff

    Geez, again? Can people not read? Thank you for informing me.

    Edit: Dealt with.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
  12. KluexTheGod

    KluexTheGod Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would like to know yes or no? Kluex Forever
  13. Word on the Wind

    Word on the Wind Former Staff

    ...Have you completely failed to notice that I started a conversation with you titled, "THIS is a PM.."?

    I -have- responded to you.
  14. FeliPXKillerBR

    FeliPXKillerBR Void-Bound Voyager

    Could you make physics? They don't move, not PHYSICS, but only add it changing height, like, every frame may change it so it looks like it's moving.
    btw, I'm new to this site, I used this mod for a very long time.
    EDIT: Does it add butt? ;-;
  15. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Just adds bust, no movement as that would require animating every single outfit in the game for it.
    FeliPXKillerBR likes this.
  16. Word on the Wind

    Word on the Wind Former Staff

    As Arti said, it's an impractical idea to add bouncing animations. This was something considered very early on, but it just plain doesn't work out without extreme amounts of effort that just aren't going to happen.

    And no, this mod does not alter the backside.
    FeliPXKillerBR likes this.
  17. petetheman23

    petetheman23 Big Damn Hero

    make it compatable for the slime race mod
  18. petetheman23

    petetheman23 Big Damn Hero

    also is this compatable with the "cutebound (make the universe cute again)" mod
  19. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    It's pretty compatible with most races, but the base body isn't changed for them, just the clothing. I think it did work with cutebound, but it's been a while since I used that one.
  20. Word on the Wind

    Word on the Wind Former Staff


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