In the process of transferring a Shed full of Kegs to a new location, more than 2 dozen Kegs were erased, and that loss _saved into my game file behind my back_, when I had to go to bed before picking all of them up since my inventory was full, having left some loose inside the old Shed! Outdoors this is fine: I've left loose Bee Houses overnight and they were still there the next day. Apparently the fact they were inside the Shed was why they were erased? I had to waste almost all my Coal to refill the new Shed. Please fix!
Were those kegs placed, or were they dropped/floating items? Dropped items aren't saved, so don't depend on them sticking around. I suggest crafting chests instead if you need to store items overnight.
I consider this a bug because other dropped items outdoors (e.g. wood) _have_ been saved overnight. I suspect that it is their having been in a Shed to be why the game erased them. Normally and in future for now I'll only dislodge what I'm ready to carry or as you suggest stash them in a Chest even if only for a moment if it's getting late enough to risk passing out before gathering the rest, but the fact they're ever erased otherwise is a nasty gotcha worth reporting and requesting a fix, IMO, hence this thread
(The items dropped outdoors aren't saved, the location just wasn't unloaded so temporary stuff is still there. If you reload the save, the items dropped outdoors will disappear too.)
Oooooh, I see. So, you can see how I was confused, though, yeah? *peace* I do still think, then, that dropped items should be saved, even if it's only ones on the farm itself