Modding Help error: cant find frame file

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by tetracontagon, Jul 9, 2023.

  1. tetracontagon

    tetracontagon Void-Bound Voyager

    Im making a weapon with custom particles. what i think the problem is:
    The .frame file is not found, causing the .animation file to not use the .png. But im no expert.

    [08:54:24.978] [Error] Could not load image asset '/animations/paper0.png:0', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No associated frames file found for image '/animations/paper0.png' while resolving image frame '/animations/paper0.png:0'

    weapon name is paperblade. i want the paper0.png to be the particle. I did follow the the modding guide on how to make custom particle effects. I also followed the "Diagnosing Errors of Mods" guide, it did not help


    files/folders order & paper0.png:
    (see attachment)





    Help is much appreciated.
    Sorry for my english, if there are any mistakes.

    Attached Files:

  2. Rezetrx

    Rezetrx Void-Bound Voyager

    First off, the .frame file should carry the same name as the image it is supposed to map.
    With texture = "paper0.png", the frame-file should be called "paper0.frame"

    Usually if you give a framecount, the game will attempt to call the image as <imagename>.png:<frame>, with the frame being a number that increasing up to the framecount and then resettign back to 0. (You can even call textures by custom frame names in some cases)
    As such the game uses the .frame file to map the texture into the individual frames. Using frame names you can decide which part of the texture corresponds to each frame name or number.

    In your .frame file you defined "paper0.png" as one name for a frame.

    Try changing your frames file to this:
      "frameGrid" : {
        "size" : [12, 14],
        "dimensions" : [3, 2]
        "names" : [
            [ "0", "1", "2" ],
            [ "3", "4", "5" ]
  3. tetracontagon

    tetracontagon Void-Bound Voyager


    I changed the name of the .frame file accordingly. I also changed the contents of the .frame file to your suggestion.
    The game still doenst show the particles.

    latest starbound.log:

    Although the same error shows up...

    Help is much appreciated.
    Sorry for my english if there are any mistakes.
  4. Rezetrx

    Rezetrx Void-Bound Voyager

    There was a small mistake in my previous code. A comma was missing after "dimensions" : [3, 2]
      "frameGrid" : {
        "size" : [12, 14],
        "dimensions" : [3, 2],
        "names" : [
            [ "0", "1", "2" ],
            [ "3", "4", "5" ]
    Also the file has to be called .frames and not .frame (another mistake I made in my previous post)

    Following your file-tree, it also seems like you are also missing .frames files for your blade textures ("Pblade.png" and "Pblade_l6.png")

    Btw, there is no need to apologize for your English. As far as I'm concerned, your writing is perfectly fine.
  5. tetracontagon

    tetracontagon Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank the Lord, its finally working.
    Although the particles are not exactly in the correct spot.
    just look at the screenshot, i tried messing around with the offset but it didnt do much good.

    Attached Files:

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