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Bug/Issue [Error] WorldServerThread exception caught: (MemoryException) Could not set new ByteArray capacity

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Jemy, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. Jemy

    Jemy Big Damn Hero

    I rent a dedicated server that's had 3-10 players on at once for most of the weekend. Every so often (maybe 1-3 hours) the client crashes and I find several instances of this error in the starbound_server.log file.

    As far as I can tell in monitoring the logs and talking to some players about what they're doing, it seems that loading worlds that have many assets (Outpost, Missions, large colonies) is causing a spike in CPU however it doesn't seem to be hitting 100% nor does the client appear to be using too much memory. So I'm a bit stumped.

    If needed I can try to get the host to provide some hardware specs. We're currently paying for a max of 15 concurrent users and the setup ran well pre-1.0, so I'm really not quick to suspect that we're not being allocated enough resources on the server. Also I was given this statement when asking the host about the issue:

    "There is plenty of Memory available, but Starbound 1.0 compared to before is using around 500% more resources(5x), so either there is a major bug, or they have not started optimizing the code for 1.0 yet.
    You might want to report this issue on their forums and see if a developer can comment on it."

    Not sure I agree there, but figured I'd put this info up here as asked and see what comes of it.

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