Event Commands Dictionary Here is a link to a google docs file I have been making to document how to do events. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CZm7Cj_KFD-AU6bIXUkMiU285kwuZtGzRi-a2ksfZj4/edit?usp=sharing While not very organized, this will give you information about most event commands and allow you to make your own. I have been making this as I learn commands while working on my mod Events Matter: The Mod Check it out here: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/events-matter-the-mod.117534/#post-2951407 If you find an event command not on this list or have information regarding one I haven't completed or don't know about, please tell me in the comments!! Also I could be wrong about some of these commands, so comment if you find something you think is wrong.