Fact: xnb mods from PC are compatible on iOS

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by User228228, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. User228228

    User228228 Space Hobo

    Here's a proof (some obscure penny portrait mod)

      Attached Files:

    • Marley420

      Marley420 Big Damn Hero

      Im really curious to know which mods can be used and how are they installed? I feel like the android version might be easier to mod. Has anyone from the modding community looked into this? Im really looking into MFi support and Mods on mobile.
      • User228228

        User228228 Space Hobo

        @Marley420 iOS/Android/PC files are pretty much the same (where did I got mods to install then?) so they are installed in the same way (only xnb, though, there is no modding framework on mobile, yet)

        Here's the steps I used, there is obviously more but I didn't used them:

        1. Jailbreak your iOS device.
        2. Download file manager.
        3. *from there we repeat PC ways, since files are almost equivalent.

        I assume the same is for android/consoles.

        TL;DR: all xnb mods, except the outdated ones, I think some mods are exclusive to PC (like fishing) SMAPI could be run but there is no way right now.
        • Xylia

          Xylia Tiy's Beard

          I have an Easier Fishing XNB mod, so if anybody out there is jailbreaking their iOS devices, they can use that.

          There's an Easier, and then Super Easier fishing. But you need to be able to extract .zip files.
          • Itzinferno

            Itzinferno Space Hobo

          • daylightstanding

            daylightstanding Yeah, You!

            Uh yeah, not recommending to jailbreak your iPhone just to mod the game. Better option is to get the PC version so you can mod all you want. Or if you really want to mod on a portable device, get an Android instead, preferably with 6GB RAM or higher.
            • ShneekeyTheLost

              ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

              Also fact: XNB swaps are bad news, and you really shouldn't do them because they can crash your device if you aren't careful. Also, depending on which ones you're trying to use, they can be incompatible with one another without a 'combo patch' if they modify the same .xnb file. Further furthermore, you need to jailbreak your device to do that which... has its own separate consequences.

              There's a reason why Content Patcher exists. Even before CP, there was another attempt to do something similar because XNB edits were already notoriously unstable, even on a PC where all you had to do to fix most problems was right-click in Steam, go to Properties, and 'Verify Integrity' to get rid of any XNB edits you might have used, if it crashes you out. They're even MORE dangerous on mobile devices because you don't have that option, you pretty much have to uninstall and reinstall to restore everything unless you were VERY careful about backing up the original XNB files before replacing them, and it requires the extra step of jailbreaking your device before you can even begin. So as bad news as it is in general to use XNB edits on a PC, it is exponentially *worse* to try it on mobile.

              tl;dr: Do they work? Yes. Should you do it? Doubtful at best. To use an over-used Jurassic Park quote: You were so busy trying to see if you could that you never stopped to consider if you should.
              • OreoSwish

                OreoSwish Void-Bound Voyager

                Wow this is late. My phone is jailbroken. How do I get the xnb mod? I’d really like that fishing mod tbh.
                • Galaxy Store

                  Galaxy Store Yeah, You!

                  What about Galaxy?

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