RELEASED Farm Type Manager

Discussion in 'Gameplay Mechanics' started by Escaleone, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. Escaleone

    Escaleone Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Farm Type Manager v1.9.1 is now available on GitHub, Nexus Mods, and ModDrop.

    Bug Fixes:
    • Some content packs should no longer fail to spawn large objects and/or monsters
      • The new tile validation system always considered single tiles (e.g. the coordinates "99,140/99,140") to be invalid for 2x2 or 3x3 sized spawns; this should now be fixed
      • Reported by Kuugen and Hanazaki
    • A few more log messages are now visible at "trace" level without verbose mode
    Known Issues:
    • ConfigEditor.html has not yet been updated for this version of Farm Type Manager; manual editing is recommended until the next update
    Designed for Stardew Valley v1.4.3.
    • Escaleone

      Escaleone Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Farm Type Manager v1.9.2 is now available on GitHub, Nexus Mods, and ModDrop.

      ConfigEditor Changes:
      • Adds giant crops to the list of Large Object types
      Bug Fixes:
      • The "FarmTypes" file condition should now properly detect MTN farm type IDs
        • Reported by Hanazaki and DaisyNiko
      Known Issues:
      • ConfigEditor.html has not yet been fully updated; any config files using the "complex" item format for forage/loot should be edited manually
      Designed for Stardew Valley v1.4.3.
      • GracefullyGaming

        GracefullyGaming Void-Bound Voyager

        Hi, I'm desperate for an answer. I'm using a mod called eight corners, and I don't know the terrain command since there is only one grass patch that spawns the forage. I'm hoping for a reply soon; I'm really bad at this stuff. I know it's simply a matter of changing the terrain and that's it.

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