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RELEASED Field Control Technology 1.0.0

Control the atmosphere, gravity, and shielding of arbitrary regions within worlds

  1. rl.starbound

    rl.starbound Phantasmal Quasar

    rl.starbound submitted a new mod:

    Field Control Technology - Control the atmosphere, gravity, and shielding of arbitrary regions within worlds

    Read more about this mod...
  2. Shadowblitz16

    Shadowblitz16 Pangalactic Porcupine

  3. CPU119

    CPU119 Space Spelunker

    How do i craft the consoles?
  4. rl.starbound

    rl.starbound Phantasmal Quasar

    All placeable objects are crafted at the wiring station, in the mechanics tab. The portable field tuner is crafted at the agriculture station, in the survival tab.
    CPU119 likes this.
  5. CPU119

    CPU119 Space Spelunker

    The mod is great with Frackin Universe(It also has byos in it) or BYOS

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