Fishing Tips?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jezuitx, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. Glades

    Glades Space Hobo

    I did my best to research and did not come up with anything, granted I have yet to dive into cooking at all but I just sold them as I couldn't find any reference to a bundle collection of legendary fish. Also important to note, I've caught all my legendary fish with +11 fishing skill making use of the food buff sold at the shop. Maybe not required but I actively targeted locations such as the crimsonfish.
    • Maugre

      Maugre Void-Bound Voyager

      My issue isn't with keeping the hook on the fish, but getting to the fish without running out of time or overshooting it, with the fish that jump over constantly. I've lost those fish almost instantly countless numbers of times because as soon as I get stable on one, it's already moved across the bar again.
      • Voyager

        Voyager Spaceman Spiff

        I think I just found out the octopus is the hardest fish to try to catch. Not only do you have to get to the beach in the morning, but it jumps around worse than a legendary fish.
        It is the only fish I haven't caught. :(
        • meatpardle

          meatpardle Star Wrangler

          I've just had to re-start my game and I'd forgotten how much of a challenge fishing is at the start. It definitely gets easier with upgrades and higher skill levels.
          • Mica

            Mica Subatomic Cosmonaut

            Night fishing on a river will get you a lot of Bream which are easy to catch as they barely move. It's the perfect fish to "grind" on to graduate from the bamboo pole.

            This is how I did it and I know I suck at the mini-game enough to hate it. But now with better level and rod, I can fish mostly anywhere.
            • Digus

              Digus Spaceman Spiff

              He is my nemesis, I decided to catch all summer fishes before summers ends, so not to wait another year.
              The worst thing is that he almost never bites, I spent some mornings just waiting for him and nothing.
              I don't know if it was lucky, but when I started to throw the line behind that rock to the left side of the left pier he bitted a lot faster and I catch it on the second try.
              • Toporonin

                Toporonin Pangalactic Porcupine

                Fishing in this game is quite a pain. :rofl: Even with tackles can't catch some a-holes who keeps jumping all over the place. My green bar just won't catch up to them. Eh, that's why I don't do fishing quests. Can't seem to nail it.
                • SenorBiggles

                  SenorBiggles Void-Bound Voyager

                  A lot of people, especially Tomwa, have good advice. As you level up fishing your bar will get bigger which makes it easier. Use bait so fish bite more and you get more practice. Get the fiberglass poll ASAP. It will pay for itself very quickly as it unlocks fish that sell for more and it makes catching lower level fish much easier. Just practice and level up. I used to suck at the minigame but after a little time I almost never lose a fish (unless I get greedy trying to get a chest while catching a pike that's moving up and down like a 6 flags ride). Eventually you'll recognize fish patterns and know when they move and how far.
                  • Maugre

                    Maugre Void-Bound Voyager

                    I've got the Iridium rod, plenty of tackle to choose from, and consider myself to know how the minigame works to the point where if it's fair, I win it.

                    Certain fish are not fair.
                      ChaosAzeroth likes this.
                    • Digus

                      Digus Spaceman Spiff

                      I think certain fish are not meant to be catch every time they hook, I'm ok with that.
                      • boffbee

                        boffbee Space Hobo

                        i saw on a very old post that you can use the X button instead of cicking the mouse to fish, i find it much easier! might be worth trying (no setting changes are required)
                        • meatpardle

                          meatpardle Star Wrangler

                          Nailed an Eel using a bamboo pole yesterday, that was a battle and a half.

                          Also excellent point about the X key!
                          • OriSein

                            OriSein Orbital Explorer

                            I don't think people understand what they're implying when they claim a game mechanic is harder for them than it's shown to be for others. You're never really going to be as adept or apt to do some things as others are. Just like there are some things you're quick to figure out that some others simply aren't. The mini game is frustrating at first, sure. But it's also satisfying when you master it, as it should be. Difficulty in this type of game is generally time-related, to add a mini game that's actually dependent on hand-eye coordination and have it be decently rewarding is actually incredible for this genre.

                            So stop complaining about the game being "too hard" "poorly implemented", give yourself a bit more credit than that and go tackle the obstacle head-on instead of looking for a way around it. People here have posted great tips on how to make it as easy as it should be. All that's left is a little diligence and you'll be reeling in those big hauls while your crops feel unwanted. xP

                            Also, tip that I haven't seen posted on here yet. Once you get comfortable with catching different fish patterns, remember to always cast your line as far away from shore as possible. Doing this significantly increases the chances of the rarity of your catches going up. So much so in some spots that all I get are gold-quality fish. So keep that in mind =)
                            • fairyhedgehog

                              fairyhedgehog Intergalactic Tourist

                              The fishing game is harder for people with certain control systems it seems.

                              I'm using a laptop with a touchpad that needs a firm touch to make it do anything at all. If I click and don't hold, nothing seems to happen. If I click and hold the left button at all, the bar shoots up above the fish. I cannot click fast enough to get the bar to rise without holding and thereby losing the fish anyway.

                              Other people have said that it's easier with a controller. I don't have one. I have now installed a mod, so that for some fish they pretty much catch themselves. That isn't any fun though.

                              I would love to complete the Community Centre but I don't see how it can happen.
                              • bobucles

                                bobucles Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                Anyone can get a few copper and sap to build the trap tackle. It's practically mandatory for the hardest fish and 2-3 will last the entire day.

                                Players with touchpads can use the keyboard to have good control.

                                350-700 gold fish are meant to be hard. Legendary fish should be requiring every tool the game gives you to reel them in. That's a good thing.
                                • Lil' Mini

                                  Lil' Mini Phantasmal Quasar

                                  Fish alot, and eventually that green bar will get bigger, aswell as you'll be able to throw out the line farther and catch higher quality fish. You can also eat certain foods, such as the trout soup from Willy's fish shop, to further increase the green bar. Just keep on at it and you'll be a fine fisherman in no time.
                                  • Godot

                                    Godot Big Damn Hero

                                    The problem is ... at least for those who aren't good at fishing ... that you need fishing skill 6 in order to build the trap tackle.
                                    And AFAIK you only gain skill experience with successful catches, either by fishing or by crab pots.
                                    With crab pots themselves also only being available at a certain level (i.e. 3)

                                    So, people who aren't good at fishing still will have to try to get along somehow (with the bamboo rod) till they have reached level 3
                                    (at which time they may gain the missing levels till level 6 with using crab pots)
                                    • bobucles

                                      bobucles Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Or 500 gold at the shop.

                                      Most fish are easy to catch and are well accessible at low fishing levels. Losing the big bites every once in a while won't break your fishing game and only serves to make higher fishing levels worth getting.

                                      I went full ham all the way to max fishing and thus topped it off before the first summer. Granted I also would play FPS games for 14 hour days. Your results may vary.

                                      I don't think that different fishing rods unlock new fish. It would probably be a good thing because that way bamboo fishers don't get wrecked by squids and legendary fish.
                                      • ChaosAzeroth

                                        ChaosAzeroth Existential Complex

                                        I enjoy fishing often but.. It's hard.

                                        As I've said before, if you have some issues, you're NOT going to catch some of the fish. On a good day I do okay, on a bad I end up almost reduced to tears. I've quit playing due to some game days suddenly spamming me with the super jerk-back-and-forth ones. It gets disheartening and peaks some of my issues when the game acts like that.

                                        I don't understand why so many people turn this into an us vs them/black and white/it is hard and sucks or no it's way to easy and is great thing.

                                        It's hard, it sucks for some people, not for others. Meh.
                                          fairyhedgehog likes this.
                                        • ZephyrWindSpirit

                                          ZephyrWindSpirit Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                          So... I cheated slightly with the fishing game and installed the standalone 'easier fishing' mod. Lv 5-6 fishing? Octopus are no problem, and I caught the crimsonfish with little effort at lv 8. Which is... sad.

                                          Tips? Keep trying. Fish in the forest river/lake until you're 2-3, so you can move into the ocean ( low income, but at least you can catch things), or the mountain lake (high income, but largemouth give me issues, I also have problems with fishing.)
                                            fairyhedgehog likes this.

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