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Bug/Issue *fixed* (minor spoilers) Emily ten hearts relationship event bugged?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Mustache Bud, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. Mustache Bud

    Mustache Bud Void-Bound Voyager

    In my game i'm currently on the day of the flower dance on year two and have also received a letter from Emily asking me to go camping with her in the secret woods after 10 PM. But if i attend the flower dance which ends at 10 PM. and then go the the secret woods Emily isn't there even if i go there as fast as i can.

    This kinda sucks especially because if the same happens with other relationship events. Maybe make it so that it's impossible to get a major relationship event during a Town event.

    So i guess for the time being, i just have to not attend the flower dance if i want to go camping with Emily.

    Fix from Odd Farmer: I got my letter on a rainy day and it didn't trigger when I went to the secret forest after 10 PM. The next day I went there again and it worked without problems.
      Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
    • Odd Farmer

      Odd Farmer Pangalactic Porcupine

      Enjoy the event, it's absolutlely hilarious^^

      Emily's 10-heart event also won't trigger when it's raining.
      • Mustache Bud

        Mustache Bud Void-Bound Voyager

        But is it then possible to get these kinds of events again or do you just lose the opportunity? if so this needs fixing imo
        • Mustache Bud

          Mustache Bud Void-Bound Voyager

          Alright so the event is just not triggering at all which really sucks. i would think that its supposed to trigger when i walk into the secret woods after 10 PM but do i have to do anything to get it to trigger??
          • Mustache Bud

            Mustache Bud Void-Bound Voyager

            i love this game but i think this just ruined it for me... any help would be massively appreciated
            • Ladysarajane

              Ladysarajane Existential Complex

              Are you trying it the day of the festival? If so, try it the next day. I don't think it triggers the day of a festival and it won't trigger if it is raining. I believe it will trigger most any day after the letter as long as there is no festival or raining. I haven't triggered it myself, but I have had heart events trigger days after I get a letter.
              • Odd Farmer

                Odd Farmer Pangalactic Porcupine

                I got my letter on a rainy day and it didn't trigger when I went to the secret forest after 10 PM. The next day I went there again and it worked without problems.
                • Mustache Bud

                  Mustache Bud Void-Bound Voyager

                  Cool thanks i'll try that and let you know if it works
                  • Mustache Bud

                    Mustache Bud Void-Bound Voyager

                    It worked thanks for the replies guys!
                      Ladysarajane likes this.

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