Floating Blocks

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by TerrorByte, May 9, 2012.

  1. TerrorByte

    TerrorByte 2.7182818284590...

    Simple as that, blocks that float in water or liquids so you can build floating buildings / have boats / etc.

    Rian121 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  2. TerrorByte

    TerrorByte 2.7182818284590...

    Yes lol like in liquids.
  3. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    I like the idea of floating and sinking blocks.
  4. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    That would be pretty cool! Although it might be quite hard to include. Having to make them float to the surface if you placed them underwater might be hard to animate as they wouldn't be locked to a grid like all the other blocks. It would probably easier to just make a boat vehicle instead but it would be awesome to have buildings that went up and down with the water level!
  5. StarJoe

    StarJoe Void-Bound Voyager

    Hmm I think it would be tricky to implement floating blocks that you can jump on... I think there's an array of solid bricks that you can interact with, a floating block wouldn't fit into an array because it would have a dynamic position instead of a static one. In short I think it would be hard to make. Boats are a cool idea though, you'd be able to add those into the game!
  6. Zaba35

    Zaba35 Phantasmal Quasar

    buoyant blocks!! :D yay!! and while your at it physics blocks in general so you can make spaceships and such!!
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  7. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    I want a block cannon. Just bury my enemies in dirt before they even get close.
    Kodee, Zaba35 and Jimlad 42 like this.
  8. Speno1

    Speno1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is actually a good idea, not many games have implemented this. I think the dev's would be up to the challenge! Floating buildings! Also I think it would be good if they implemented floating blocks that always went to the same level or maybe just a random level or a level according to the planets atmosphere or a level according to how much of the block there was. :p
  9. Zaba35

    Zaba35 Phantasmal Quasar

    not as hard as you think the blocks wouldn't even have to go of the grid since its 2d i mean if just a few mod devs made airship mod for minecraft a whole legit indie game dev team could do it in 2d form
  10. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    block the floats in water and bobs in the waves would be amazing in that you could build a giant boat and it would bob realistically
  11. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    This would be awesome if you could somehow make it move around too. It would allow you to completely design your boat yourself and then float around in it :D I'd love it if there was waves too although I think somewhere they said that the water is just going to be flat :(
  12. Zellman

    Zellman Existential Complex

    This could be useful if Tiy puts in an ocean planet...like many people requested after the most recent video.
  13. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

    I would like the idea of you approach a planet and it looks like a normal planet but as you land on it then you find it is just a massive amount of floating islands gathered around a sort of core with gravity keeping it in orbit or something happened to the planet that cracked it but it kept its orbit
  14. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    You had me worried for a minute there that I'd missed the water video being released! Don't do that to me hehe
  15. Zellman

    Zellman Existential Complex

    hehe, if you are on these forums it is impossible to miss a video. We all go nuts over them. X3
  16. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    You'd be surprised, I didn't see the last one for like half a day.... :unsure:
  17. Zellman

    Zellman Existential Complex

    oh, well if that is a long time...I only really have time to check these forums once or twice a day, so half a day is good in my book. :)
  18. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    During exam time I take every opportunity I can to convince myself that I should have a break ;)

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