Modding Help Floating sprites in a spritesheet edit?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Rebochan, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. Rebochan

    Rebochan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm trying to update the Pencilstab portraits mod to use the new 1.4 spritesheets and I finally hit my first major bug - in the Flower festival everyone has an offset, some more extreme than others, making them float really high. Penny and Shane have brown boxes interrupt their animations. Maru looks like she's wearing stilts now :rofl:

    20200608022708_1.jpg 20200608022714_1.jpg 20200608022528_1.jpg

    Is there a different way that 1.4 handles reading spritesheets so I can tell the game to actually scan the spritesheet correctly? All I've done is unpack the 1.4 spritesheets for the characters affected by that mod, edit them, and then swap the ones in that mod's mod folder. It's being handled by Content Patcher.

    Here's my spritesheets for reference. The thread with the mod is here:

      Attached Files:

    • Rebochan

      Rebochan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Solved it the next day, it looks like Photoshop likes to chop off what it think is "unused space" when you export PNGs with transparent backgrounds :p Fixed it with another paint program.

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