Floran air implant sprite:accidental or on purpose?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by LeviathanXavier, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. LeviathanXavier

    LeviathanXavier Space Hobo

    I've noticed that when a floran gets the implant for breathing in airless environments,the picture you see representing it in the inventory is the chemical abbreviation for the oxygen molecule.I also read of disputes on whether florans are truly animals or plants.I felt the need to bring this up before the final release because if the florans were actually meant to be a form of plant life instead of some plant-looking animal,the floran race would probably breathe carbon dioxide,the chemical abbreviation of which would be CO2,and would probably make a more suitable picture if that is the case.Whether this is meant to be or not,I'll be satisfied with an answer:I would like to know the floran life type is animal or plant based.If the answer is meant to be a secret,I'll delete the post if notified(and if I remember to get around to it.If you want it deleted immediately,I'd do it myself because I rarely check my email).If you want the post deleted but still want me to know,send me an email at [ email removed ]
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2016
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Support section is only for posting bugs \ issues in the game, not for doubts
    .I moved your thread to the appropriate section.

    Also please don't openly post your email, as more then enough spam bots scan through websites for them to sell accounts to spam advertisers. I just removed it.

    If you want you can go to your settings in your profile control panel to be emailed when a reply is made.
    Crossfang likes this.
  3. LeviathanXavier

    LeviathanXavier Space Hobo

    Thank you,I wasn't entirely sure of the category it'd be in,but I still felt someone should know of this.Sorry for troubling you!
  4. Crossfang

    Crossfang Supernova

    Florans are Florans, lets not dwell too much on it.
    Let's just enjoy the game and have fun with it... Unless you're writing a thesis about Florans.. or writing a novel and such..
  5. Kezeal

    Kezeal Ketchup Robot

    What is this? People not liking conspiracy theories on small video game details?! TINFOIL MODE ACTIVATED
    Florans are genetically engineered plants with sentience, as far as I'm aware, but they've gotten to the point where they require to eat meat, which may easily mean they now require oxygen for breathing.
  6. Crossfang

    Crossfang Supernova

    Assuming that I don't like conspiracy theories is a bit uncalled for. I didn't even mention that.
    What I mean is .. a game is a game..it is meant to be played .. not analyzed and dissect it. Unless that's the intention of the Game Devs.
    And I'm pretty sure that Starbound is a sandbox adventure game.

    If you find conspiracies and things like that fascinating in games..that's on you.
    But hey, I'm not here to judge.

    And speaking of Florans..don't forget they also eat there own.. If so.. are they eating a eat? or a plant?
  7. Kezeal

    Kezeal Ketchup Robot

    I consider every game with lore dissect-worthy. We have all those hints in the lorebooks. If devs didn't want to have this veil of mystery that players could slowly remove, then they wouldn't be so vague in the books, going as far as having <REDACTED> in the lorebook mentioning meeting of the leaders of the races as one of the members, and most of the text.

    Didn't know they eat their own, where'd you read that? I could've sworn they only ate meat, but florans are plant matter as far as I know(not even sure how their 'muscles' would work to be honest).
  8. Crossfang

    Crossfang Supernova

    Lore is good.I don't have qualms about it.
    One of my favorite games, Darksouls and Bloodborne has heavy lore in it.
    . Conspiracy theories on the other hand is something else..It's interesting..yet unsure.

    Ummm... they are Cannibals... I'm pretty sure everyone knows that right now.

    EDIT: http://playstarbound.com/meet-the-florans/ here's a proof to digest.
  9. Kezeal

    Kezeal Ketchup Robot

    "Cannibalism during funeral rituals and wars with rival factions are commonplace, though it remains unclear whether it’s out of conservation or simple tradition."
    It's probably similar to Christians drinking wine and eating bread in the church. Not to get your stomach full, more like a thing-that-is-done. With rival factions I can imagine it's just to show dominance, like indians eating the heart of their enemies to "gain their strength".
  10. Crossfang

    Crossfang Supernova

    It's a primitive race afterall.

    As for the Op's other question.. I think.. Florans are Plant Hybrids... Making them half plant, half beast . That's just my opinion though.
  11. Revoke

    Revoke Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Plants still need oxygen! During the day, while photosynthesizing, they turn CO2 to O2. At all times, they respire oxygen just like we do (IIRC). If they're getting enough sun, they produce more O2 than they consume. Floran don't have the surface area to photosynthesize enough, I'd imagine, so they probably need about the same mix in the air tank as anyone else. That'd also explain why they need to eat (almost) as much as anyone else.
    Source: faded memories of highschool biology
    Crossfang likes this.

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